Divorced women of Reddit, how was your first relationship post divorce?

  1. Annoying. Saw so many red flags and had this complex (I’m not dealing with this again) but in reality he’s a great guy and I’m just traumatized. I realize he’s a good guy and almost everyone you MEET WILL HAVE SOME SORT OF ISSUES OR RED FLAGS!!! Don’t think after a divorce and a bad guy you are searching for a unproblematic prince because I have news for you.. every person on this planet has flaws.
    I worked on myself after my divorce but I still had pet peeves with some issues this man has. I just learnt that if these issues don’t affect the relationship, the bond, the trust, I need to see him as a good guy which he is.
    Then I realized how much work relationships are and I rather not go through that whole shit again.
    Living life single and happy!
    But take my story as advice. Most women after divorced look for men with the highest expectations it takes some realistic thinking to understand that no matter who you marry next or commit to next they will have their own set of problems, behaviours and issues. You just have to see if it’s worth your time and energy.
    I like being with my daughter more anyways we have so much fun together but I do get lonely sometimes. Just too exhausted to grow another relationship. Take it as growing a tree you plant a seed with someone and go thru storms to see if it survives, that tree will look different every single season. Boy I ain’t got time for another damn tree. Lmao it’s like 3am so this is probably everywhere but women who get it, get it. Now that guy who’s always there for you as a friend, fulfills your womanly desires is a sweetheart , wants more than a friendship with you? That’s my bush. It grows untamed left,right, up,down. And you just wait until you are ready for it.
    I need to take my time for a relationship after my divorce, friends first let’s see where this goes. Don’t be tryna plant a damn tree with me yet, be my bush. Until I like/trust you enough to trim you up and keep you, or uproot your existence (you can uproot a bush easy but a tree GAWDDDD DAMNN them roots)

  2. Absolutely amazing. There’s been a couple more that were less than great, but right I’m with that first post-divorce partner and another living together happily.

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