So I’m not the most happy or healthy person and everytime I decide to change that, by excerising or eating better, I don’t have the motivation and discipline to do it.

So I’m wondering what are some small things I could try to do and maybe make the bigger things easier.

  1. Sleep early, Wake up early. I know it sounds like a reasonably absurd and a small thing but speaking from experience, it really works!

  2. Take a minute every now and then and just reflect on what you did that made you happy. And keep doing those things that make you happy. Try and fill your life with more happy moments.

  3. Make your bed on the morning.

    Meditate or any form of grounding.

    Drink a lot of water.

    Write down what you’re thankful for everyday.

    Spend at least 30 minutes outside, you don’t even have to be moving around just sit in the sun.

  4. Start really small. Set a small goal for the first thing to do when you wake up and it can be as simple as making sure your heals and toes both touch the floor within 10 minutes of the alarm. Then work your way up to bigger things in small increments (ie then get up and brush teeth quickly and so on).

    Also, there’s no shame in seeing a professional to get some help with this stuff. We’re humans and not supposed to have all the answers. Best of luck

  5. It’s hard without knowing you, so YMMV / take this as you want.

    * Find your own motivation. What motivates me may/may not motivate you. The process of changing your lifestyle is big. You have to find your own desire and find the strength to hold onto it. Things will get in your way. You’ll falter, and stumble, and that’s okay. But you need the strength to play the long game. And having a core motivating factor in your mind is key to being successful
    * Focus inward and find a strong sense of self. And find a strong sense of self love. Improving your life goes hand in hand with the idea that you know yourself, and you want to improve yourself
    * Be creative in how you approach these lifestyle changes. Want to exercise, but hate the gym or sitting on a stationary bike? Find ways to be active but do so with things that you enjoy. You’ll find it’s a lot easier to get motivated to do it when you’re doing things you enjoy (e.g. I love gardening and use it as part of my exercise routine because it uses a lot of part of your body). The same with eating healthier. Find ways to eat a healthier diet but it’s not just consuming boring food with zero flavor. Eating healthy doesn’t mean eating boring food

  6. Few push ups now and then everyday. You will see results before you know it. Cold rinse right before you get out of the shower is beneficially refreshing. Give them a try.

  7. Let go of things that you cannot directly control. Focus on making things for you and the people around you better.

  8. I do this to keep me organised (and feeling good) I need a routine..

    Before going to bed..
    1. Do a quick tidy of your space so it isn’t a state when you wake up.
    2. Get tomorrow’s meals out of the freezer (see below)
    3. Pack everything you need for the next day, make your lunch if you are going off to work. I pack my gym bag so I can literally get out of bed, get dressed and go to the gym. I get ready for work at the gym (which stops me procrastinating at home).
    4. Go to bed an hour before you intend to sleep. In that hour don’t use your phone or watch the TV. Perhaps read a book or newspaper, or keep a journal. If you keep a journal make a note of all the things you are grateful for today. You can also write down worries so they are less in your head and partly on paper.
    5. Try and get enough sleep. Most people need 7-8 hours.

    Once you find yourself doing these, get a weekly routine going.

    1. Plan your meals for the week and then go shopping to buy only what you need. You will shop better if you are not hungry when shopping (if you working hours allow do this on the same day each week).
    2. Invest in a cook book (in UK I love the two chubby cubs books). Cook healthy food that feels naughty and keeps things Interesting. Freeze any leftover portions you won’t eat within 2-3 days.
    3. Make a list of long term chores that need doing. It will empty the list on to the paper from your head. Take one on at a time when you feel like it. It will feel rewarding ticking it off the list.

    I hope this helps!

  9. This might be corny but reading/listening to mindset books and podcasts helped a lot for me

  10. Sorry can’t help you. You already admit that you lack the discipline to do things you know can help you. If you lack discipline, it doesn’t matter if you consider the task to be big or small, someone undisciplined will not do either. Remember, being disciplined is doing something even when you don’t want to do it. That’s what you need to change.

  11. Well. As far as exercising, I too have a hard time with discipline when it comes to working out and dieting. So instead of putting the pressure on myself to go exercise and feeling bad for not doing it, I just started one day without planning it, just 30 minutes, and kept it going . I find if I tell myself “I’m gonna go do X”. I tend to not do X. So now when I’m bored I just go do it rather than say. I’m gonna do it later, cause later never comes.

  12. I would say just go for a walk, either alone or with friends, preferably a park or hiking trail. It’s still exercise but it’s easier to make yourself go for a walk than to go to the gym. Plus being around nature and getting lots of sunlight is god for your mental health.

  13. There’s a podcast called the happiness lab, I would check it out. It’s hosted by a Yale psychology professor, literally on how to be and stay happy. I implemented the teachings and it’s worked wonders.

  14. I find to-do lists very pleasing. Checking off things I did during the day gives me a good feeling.

    I put even small things on the list, like watering one plant, cleaning up a table.

  15. Have a “Me Day” it’s very important to nourish yourself even if its just fishing or hiking. Getting moments to your self is amazing

  16. Tidy up before bed time every night.

    Make your bed every morning.

    Exercise 3 days a week: even walking counts.

  17. Make a checklist. There is something incredibly cathartic about crossing out an item on a checklist.

  18. make time for your self go for A walk every day..EVen if only A mile ..In time build it up..Just getting outside fresh air . clears your hear gets ya moving little and alone time,,I leave near A nice wooded area and A beach sometimes I walk beach others woods. Just make it A habit,,

  19. I started with

    Making my bed daily

    Smile at least once a day

    Find at least one thing to make you laugh a day

    Find an activity that makes you get out.

    Get into a habit of making yourself feel smart daily.

    Look people in the eye when you speak and then excersise often and little to start with

    Good luck

  20. Cold showers, they are great for making me feel confident and strong, if you get into a rhythm of taking them they can also help develop discipline.

  21. Baby steps are working for me. I recently got on medication that has worked wonders for my sleep, now that im on a schedule things feel doable. The depression is still there and strong, but sleep affects so many facets of life that if you dont get regular consistent sleep you really cant even effectively do anything else

  22. Stay active, stop watching porn, go to bed earlier, limit social media usage, work out

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