Why are you personally not a soccer fan?

  1. I haven’t followed it. Then again I haven’t followed any sports in a few years now.

    I don’t *dislike* soccer. I just have a growing disinterest in sports period.

  2. I find the game ridiculous. 90 minutes and maybe two points scored. Half the time they just pass it back and forth. All the faling injuries and the over reactions to yellow cards and red cards

  3. I don’t understand the complexities of it like I do with football, basketball, and baseball. Same reason I’ve never really gotten into hockey. And I spend enough time keeping up with those leagues that it’s hard to latch on to another. I don’t dislike soccer, I watch the USMNT in cup games and will watch my city’s MLS team on the rare occasion a game is on somewhere I am, but I just don’t have the energy to try to get into it.

  4. There’s no team I’m loyal to, so it’s hard to care. Unless I’m playing fantasy, I tend to only follow my team in whatever sport. So no team, no interest.

  5. It’s not an interesting game, I never developed an investment in it and have no reason to start caring.

  6. I like playing it, but I don’t enjoy watching it.

    Incidentally, I don’t like watching any other sports either.

  7. I think I could get into any sport if I know the subtleties and rules well.
    So I could be a soccer fan. But I am a baseball, football and hockey fan. That’s enough for me.

  8. Its boring as hell. American sports at least have smaller time periods for achieving scoring. In baseball, you have an inning, in football you have a set of downs. In soccer, its low scoring, with nothing to break up the monotony. Its like the definition of watching paint dry, you watch a ball kicked back and forth endlessly for way too long.

  9. I’m marginally interested in it. I really like the international competitions since we don’t have anything close to the scale of the World Cup or the Euros in American sports.

    I didn’t really grow up with soccer though so it’s hard for me to get too invested in it. I’m also older now and just don’t follow sports as much as I did when I was a teenager or in my 20s in general.

  10. I just don’t get it. Like it’s undeniably impressive, but then so is the Olympic Long Jump.

  11. Too much turnover in players. It’s like we are the feeder league for Europe. We lose all players who rock

  12. Boring, just 90 minutes of people running around with almost no scoring.

    I lived in the Netherlands for a year when Dutch national team was Euro champs, was on a family vacation in Italy when the 1990 World Cup was going on and even attended a game, but just couldn’t get into the sport as much as I like other major sports.

  13. I *could* like it but, 1. It’s not aggressive enough. I want a team to attack, not try to keep a clean sheet. 2. The flop. It exists in other sports but it’s world class in soccer. Just smash that fucker, stick a boot in his ass and keep going! 3. Offsides. Again, have it other sports but … if the whole ball has to cross the whole line for it to be a goal or out etc, why doesn’t the whole player have to be wholly offsides before it’s an infraction? Sorry, your fingernail was offsides! 🙄 Let the players show off their skills. If matches end 7-5, so what? That’s WAY better than nil-nil. Yes, I paid 80 quid to see 22 guys kick a ball. Even a 3-3 draw is better than nil-nil because at lease *something* happened.

  14. My favourite sport is hockey. And soccer is like a slow, boring version of hockey haha.

  15. Why do some people, especially foreigners, get so OFFENDED at soccer not being our number one sport?

  16. The only sports that even interests me a little bit is baseball. And even then I’ll only watch little league.
    Professional sports are just kinda boring.

  17. I just don’t find it that exciting. I used to play it as a kid. That was cool. But i always liked Am football more.

    Watching it is also kinda boring. I can understand the appeal but the faking of injuries, and low scoring is a turn off.

    Like there will be a guy running down the field and you think he’s gonna score and bam some guy kicks it the other way and you gotta start all over. I’d rather just see the highlights. I also feel a similar way about watching basketball but at least there you’re seeing more action and scoring regularly.

    I like the NFL because it’s a good mix of brain and brawn. But I can see why ppl wouldn’t like it either

  18. I find it painfully boring to watch.

    The only time I ever enjoyed watching soccer was when my 5-year-old played on a team for a few months. That was only amusing because it was a bunch of little kids who had no idea what they were supposed to be doing.

  19. It’s a snooze fest. The pitch is too big, so they run around and around and nothing interesting happens for long periods of time.

  20. I am a soccer fan but I fucking hate how much flopping there is in the men’s sport. The women don’t flop, though, so there’s that. I watch both.

  21. I’m not that into sports in general and soccer in particular is both boring and not paced with predictable breaks for socializing the way some sports like american football are.a

    Didn’t mind playing as a kid and its undeniably skillful but neither of those things make it fun to watch or easy to build a party around.

  22. I’m not a fan of European Grass Diving because it’s basically just hockey. Except slower, on grass, no sticks, and no fights.

  23. The field is too big, and nothing seems to be happening most of the time. If I could see a game live I might feel differently, but it’s just really dull.

  24. For me, it is low action consisting mostly of jogging back and forth with very little exciting happening. The players are prone to flopping which is an abhorrent practice showing no sportsmanship at all. And the rules allow you to end the game in a tie.

  25. I personally don’t understand the enjoyment of watching guys run around a field trying to kick a ball into a net. I’ve got better stuff to do with my time.

  26. Short answer is that it’s boring. No doubt the players are athletes and the sport takes skill and stamina but goddamn it’s boring. The field is enormous, it’s low scoring, and way too long time wise.

  27. It’s like, worse hockey, to me. I watched a couple matches in France. Talk about the most boring hours of my life. Both games ended with a thrilling score of 0-0. Watched guys run back and forth for 3 hours and nothing happened the entire time! Terrible.

    My father always said they needed to shrink the size of the field by a fuck load and reduce the number of players. I can’t help, but agree with him.

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