When it’s time to put out bags of rubbish in the UK for the big refuse trucks to collect, we often say it’s “bin day”. What is the US version of this?

  1. Garbage day.

    Then there’s also two bulk pick up days per month where I’m at where they’ll take anything that wouldn’t fit in a garbage can, like furniture or large appliances.

  2. I think the question has been answered so a question for you. What is a skip and is it different than a bin?

  3. Garbage day (twice a week)
    Recycling day (once a week)
    Bulk pickup day (once a month + appointments)

  4. By the way, years ago I heard a Brit call the trash can “wheelie bins” and that is what I call mine now to this day. I love that term.

  5. It’s trash day so take the cans out. (Most American families with kids make the kids take them out and bring them back )

  6. Very simple. Garbage day. When the garbage truck picks up from garbage cans. (But really they now collect from plastic receptacles but what the hey.)
    Midwest here.

  7. Garbage day.

    Weirdly enough, my husband and I both say, “We need to take the bins to the road” instead of “We need to take the trash cans to the road.” I’m not sure why that is.

  8. Trash Day.

    First time I heard wheelie bin was when that horrible person threw a live (neighbor’s) cat into one in the UK.

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