My boyfriend and I have been dating for just over 2 years and have been living together for over a year. Valentines today I didn’t receive a text saying happy Valentine’s Day or anything. I bought him a really nice pen and some chocolate, along with a hand written note and give these to him when we both got home. He thanked me and told me he loved me so much. He did not give me a card, flowers or anything which was pretty disappointing. Last what on valentines he gave me a bracelet which was super sweet. It was upsetting going on social media today and seeing roses and sweet notes my friends received from their boyfriends. I wouldn’t have a problem with not receiving anything on valentines if he appeared to put effort in consistently. We never go on dates unless I suggest them. I just feel like he’s taking me for granted and I’m not sure what to do. Isn’t it the bare minimum to show your significant other appreciation on Valentine’s Day with a simple gesture or note??

(TLDR) My (22F) boyfriend (25M) didn’t plan or get me anything for Valentine’s Day. Not sure where to go from here

1 comment
  1. You deserve the bare minimum after two years with your boyfriend. Some people were raised without gving presents so they may have an excuse. However, just for me, nothing on Valentine’s Day would be unacceptable. My last boyfriend did well the first year but then skipped all holidays, even Christmas. Even though presents are not one of my top emotional needs it became unpleasant when others were opening their gifts and I got nothing.

    I worked too hard trying to have a nice relationship, much harder than he ever did and I believe not giving me gifts was the start of his lack of appreciation. I used to make up presents that I would tell work colleagues I received from him because it was so embarrassing that he didn’t care.

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