My boyfriend has a past experience that we disagree on the meaning.

He was on a night out and couldn’t get home so stayed with a male friend. The friend suggested he would be more comfortable in the bed , he agreed so they just shared the bed. The friend then also said he would be more comfortable without his jeans on. He agreed. They were both in underwear when the friend got closer reached for his dick and started giving him a handjob. My bf said it felt nice and he enjoyed it so didn’t stop him. He then felt his hairy leg and changed his mind, got up and left.

He says he is in no way shape or form bi or gay and I’m not trying to label his sexuality or put him in a box but I’m suggesting he must be somewhere on the spectrum to not be opposed to a handjob from another man. As many male friends I ask say they would smack the guy and not even want a bar of it. My bf says he was just experimenting or exploring which I understand as I am open to the same . Thoughts ?

  1. I’ve spent many nights sleeping in the same room with a male friend in my life – never once did the idea cross our minds to tickle dicks.

    I’m 42, I grew up in ‘gays are deviants’ years. What do I say about your bf? Who gives a shit. Guy had a private experience he didn’t really dig, he felt comfortable enough with his gf to tell her.

    So stop trying to label the guy – because saying he’s ‘somewhere on the spectrum’ is labeling. He tried a hand job, he didn’t like the dudes leg, called it off. Maybe his balls hurt and he has much better friends then I ever had. It doesn’t matter – he likes you, likes having sex with you I assume. Really doesn’t need anymore forethought to it.

  2. Sounded to me like he was curious. Otherwise he wouldn’t have stopped it if he was actually into it.

  3. You’ve never had a hand job? Lots of guys give them to themselves, that doesn’t make them gay. Why would getting one from a guy make you gay?

  4. He tried it and didn’t like it and is therefore not bi or gay. Idk what is confusing you here lol

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