Boyfriend showed me a funny gif a mutual friend sent him today. While looking at it I noticed a conversation that went

They said
“I had a dream last night that you were getting married and didn’t invite me”

He said “lol what that doesn’t make any sense”

They said “what I’m just making sure I’m invited if youare getting married, you are the one having a secret dinner” which is a dinner they were referring to that my bf surprised me with for my birthday.

I guess I always thought we would eventually get married though we haven’t really talked of it in 4 years… now I’m over thinking that he may never want to. I know I need to have a talk with him. Just want to get my thoughts straight first.

Tldr boyfriend of 4 years may have made a comment about marriage

  1. You haven’t talked in 4 years? I talked with my wife about it in our first month of relationship lol. I mean, I asked her if eventually she would want to have a family, so there were no mistakes from the beginning. We married and had our first kid seven years later.

    Idk why people wait so much to know if they are on the same page in this important matter.

  2. >They said “I had a dream last night that you were getting married and didn’t invite me”
    He said “lol what that doesn’t make any sense”

    This on its own does not tell me he has no intention of marrying you.

    However, you’re both in your 30s so its obviously something to think about. I’m sure there are other things that you could mention that would suggest he’s not in a hurry to get married. But to pinpoint this conversation probably doesnt do it justice.

    Are there any other indicators?

  3. Your bf answered ” that doesn’t make any sense”
    For me, he meant it doesn’t make sense bf wouldn’t invite his friend to the wedding

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