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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Water is a common English word that has a surprising high number of divergent pronunciations. In general American English it comes out as wader, but in a welsh accent it comes out as wotah apparently. This [scene](https://youtu.be/XE6DT9y7L-w) from a video game kind of illustrates it. In another [scene](https://youtu.be/XdzL5fA6zgA) from the same game, you can hear water pronounced two other different ways. In what I think is a lower class British accent water is pronounced (kind of stereotypically) as “wa’er” while in the other one (maybe more standard) British accent it is actually pronounced water.

    Also some British people seem uncannily good at doing American accents for some reason. Maybe they are used to code-switching accents idk.

  2. People from non-Mediterranean countries dominated by pastures green with the occasional crop of deciduous woodland, does Mediterranean vegetation weird you out as much as it does me? I just can’t get used to seeing all the crooked trees, the dry scrubland and bare soil, the palms…It’s like I’ve crash landed on an alien planet or something. I find it especially freaky when I see it in Europe – I kind of expect to see foreign-looking vegetation when I’m in a tropical climate in Africa or something, but not in Italy or the South of France.

    The LA landscape is dominated by these extremely obnoxiously tall and lanky palm trees called [Mexican Fan Palms](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/376191375096949784/) (*Washingtonia Robusta*, to be precise) that just tower over absolutely everything. They’re such stupid-looking trees. Why grow so tall only to have so little foliage at the top? It’s like building a tower with floor space only dedicated to one tiny penthouse. What a waste of resources.

    And let’s not even talk about Cypress trees. How long does a Cypress tree have to spend in the bathroom every morning to look like that? They look like something that would have been in fashion in the 80s.

  3. It’s soon carnival here! Northern Germany doesn’t have as strong a tradition as other places, but there is still going to be some sort of procession and any excuse to dress up as Super Mario is a good excuse. I heard that the anti-vaxxers will also have a decorated wagon. A bit curious about that one, ngl.

    Do you guys also have some sort of masked/costumed celebration in your country? What is it for?

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