Last night my girlfriend (20) and I (19) were talking and we got on the subject of telling each other our deepest secrets. She told me that when she was 17 she was quite brutally raped by one of her dads friends.
I didn’t know what to say but I tried to comforted her and told her that I was always here listen and support her. We fell asleep soon after.

I can’t stop thinking of the pain that she went through, especially since I’m the only one she’s ever told and she had to go through all this alone. I love her and this doesn’t change the way I see her as my girl but I feel so angry and helpless about all this.

The next morning we carried along like usual but my mind was somewhere else replaying what she told me in my head over and over again. I don’t know if I should bring it up again or tell her how I’m feeling because I don’t want to upset her. I want her to come to me with anything and not worry about it affecting me, but I can’t stop thinking about how alone and scared she must have felt.

If anyone has been in a similar situation and have some advice I’d greatly appreciate it because my head is in a bit of a mess rn

  1. you can show her that u care for her and are there for her no matter what in different ways than bringing the topic up. Like writing her a sweet letter/paying for her self care day/taking her out/plan a comfortable house date where u spend the day with each other/just cuddling her in bed and telling her how much u love her and how you’re always there for her no matter what. in short, redirecting your anger to something productive like planning a nice day for her will help :))

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