Women who caught their partners cheating, how did you find out?

  1. I hacked into his Snapchat account. I’m not proud of it, but I got tired of feeling like I was crazy when I instinctively knew something was going on and just didn’t have the tangible evidence.

  2. He stupidly left his messenger open on the family computer. I saw messages arranging to meet up with the woman he told me not to worry about for 15 years

  3. Someone who knew her saw his relationship status on Facebook and messaged me asking if I knew what was going on

  4. Once I was seeing someone who grew distant out of nowhere. I had met him on a dating site, so I went back to the site and did a search. A profile came up that sounded just like him (no pics). I created a new email account and sent this new profile a message pretending to be a stranger and asking to hook up. Sure enough, I got an affirmative reply and it was him.

  5. He sent me a dick pic that was clearly not ment for me. Maybe don’t caption it with her name next time you asshole.

  6. I caught him out once, but I blame his friends.

    I’m not about to throw away what we have because of it though.

  7. Birthday note he took a photo of and saved on his phone. When I asked him about it, his face said it all. Like his life flashed before his eyes.

  8. I wanted to meet with him in the city. He said that he can’t because of his upcoming exams and his mother won’t let him or something like that. I said fine and went with my best friend. We walked around in the city only to find him in a bar with another girl. He saw us and said “Hi Kitty! :3” .. And I was like.. “Bye.” And went the other way lol

  9. I had a gut feeling something was wrong. He kept talking about one particular client frequently. I waited for him to go to sleep and took his phone, fucked up I know, and took down her number. Next morning, I called her and asked if she was sleeping with my husband. She was confused and surprised and said that he’s told her we were getting a divorce. A few days later, he moved out and she began paying his bills. This is why I always trust my gut!

  10. OMG so he had a habit of partying a lot, now I didn’t mind that but it would have been nice to let me know that he’s going out for clubbing. But he never did and once he didn’t reply for a good 8 hours, I thought something might have happened to him but then I saw his location on snapchat and he was in some club. I asked him about it and he straight up lied and said he wasn’t well and was sleeping. I confronted him that I knew he was partying and he started apologizing saying I’d get mad if he just told me the truth. After that just the next day he was again partying at some place and I saw his brother’s snap story and saw him in the BG with some girl, I swear I cried for just 10 mins and then decided I’m breaking up. I texted him that I want to break up because he is a liar and he called me crazy for looking at his brother’s snap stories but didn’t apologize even once. And after a week my friends sent me my ex bestfriend’s story where she was holding his hand. I swear I’ve had a hell lot of trust issues after that relationship.

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