So I have started to realize that I’m pretty contradictory when it comes to social situations. When I’m at work or in a situation where I have to interact with people, I find myself doing the bare minimum such as replying and making casual conversations when people come up and talk to me in order to not make it awkward. However, I always get away from those situations as fast as I can and mainly keep to myself as I get increasingly more and more exhausted the longer I have to keep the conversation going. As a result I look visibly tired and people would often come up to me and ask if I’m okay and I default to saying that I didn’t have enough sleep in order to not worry people.

From what I said above, I probably give off the impression that I’m pretty antisocial and despise any form of social situations. While it is somewhat true that I dislike small talk, I find myself feeling pretty lonely when I go days or weeks without having someone to hang out with. Problem is, this loneliness is becoming more and more frequent as I have drifted away from alot of friends from school after I graduated and the 2 people that I even hang out with nowadays are also usually quite busy themselves, not to mention my unusual working hours (2 12 hour day shifts > 2 days off > 2 12 hours night shift > repeat) means that I very seldom have the chance to meet up with my friends. So I guess my dilemma here is that, as someone that craves social interaction from friends, why is it that when presented with a chance to make new friends and have the social interaction that I desire, I end up really dreading it and escaping the first chance I get? How do I stop dreading social situations and make new friends?

TLDR: gets lonely when my 2 friends are not available but absolutely hating any form of social interaction where I could potentially make new friends. Any advice?

1 comment
  1. Question, are these friends you’ve had for a long time? If so maybe that’s why you don’t seek out new friends. And maybe try to go to places where they’re public but not needed to socially interact with anybody. Like parks, museums places like that. You may meet someone you click with. In most cases with people that are the same way, you don’t need “help” that’s just how you are.

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