For a bit of context, me and my partner have bought our first home and have been living here for about six months. Prior to this, we were living with my parents and did have a TV in the bedroom as this was our only space. Our plan was always to, when we moved, have a TV only in the living room.

However, I think I am just so used to watching a bit of telly in bed. It is just so much more comfortable to snuggle up in bed watching TV together rather than on a sofa.

Aware it is bad for so-called ‘sleep hygiene’ – so I just wondered what your stances are on this? Cheers!

  1. We have one, it’s good for something easy to watch and comment on when you’re both half-asleep.

  2. Exactly the same as what you said at the start.. lived in ‘one room’ at the in-laws so when we got our own place we decided not to get a tv in the bedroom. 4 years on and we’ve still stuck to that. I love being downstairs and then ‘going up to bed’ and going to sleep. Very occasionally we will watch something on the laptop in bed but I really like not having a tv in the room

  3. Yes but rarely used – the reason I say yes is because if someone is sick, being able to pay up in bed and watch TV is just so much better for recovery.

  4. I can understand why you would if you’re in a shared house or living with parents, but in your own home, where you get to make your tv room exactly the way you want it.. nah.

    My bedroom is for sleeping and sex. If there was a tv in there I’d do less of both.

  5. We don’t have a TV in the bedroom but we’ll occasionally watch shows on a laptop in bed, especially if we’re unwell.

  6. Nay for us. Only 1 tv and it’s in the lounge.

    I don’t find the idea of watching while in bed appealing at all. Awkward angle, bed while comfortable to sleep in is not comfortable to sit and watch telly on, can’t have snacks as I hate crumbs in bed.

    Previous owners on the other hand: one in the lounge, in each bedroom, in the kitchen, and even in the bathroom… and a wall fixture for a TV outside in the garden!

  7. I have a tv in the bedroom, but it goes on if I’m doing stuff like wrapping pressies, packing cases etc. the only time is goes on at night is if I’m doing my nails and being bored as I dry them under the uv/led lamp.

  8. I’m currently looking at houses ready to buy and I’m constantly surprised how many people have massive tvs in their bedrooms. Maybe it’s because I work on a screen all day but I like my bedroom to be as screen free as possible.

    Having said that if my partner wanted a tv in the bedroom badly I doubt I’d have a huge problem with that.

  9. We don’t have a telly at all. TBF we have 6 laptops between us (each has a work one, a personal one, an old backup one) . We also have nice big screens for work if we want to watch something together. So I would say no. Get in the habit of reading and chatting before sleep, good for the relationship and good for sleeping better. I listen to audio books too

  10. No bedroom TV for us.

    We used to have one in the bedroom, but it was hardly ever used as we always watch TV together in the lounge. I also feel that keeping TVs out of our bedroom creates a calmer space. When we moved house, the bedroom TV was put in one of the guest rooms and we haven’t missed it. If we really need to watch TV in bed, we’ll use a laptop.

  11. Yay in the room I rent for work because it’s my space in the house.

    Nay in my own home. I only need one place to watch TV.

  12. I don’t have anything in my bedroom apart from a bed, wardrobe and a chair.

    I’ve never had the desire to watch tv in bed, I go there to sleep and/or masturbate and then leave

    I think it’s nice having a room dedicated to just resting

  13. We have one but don’t use it regularly. Mainly useful when ill, or more recently when I’ve been pregnant and just generally knackered.

  14. We have one and we love it. During cold winter nights it’s so much nicer to snuggle up under the duvet and watch TV. It also means we only heat up that room.

  15. I struggle to get to sleep without one.. I’ll just lay there thinking and staring at the ceiling for hours.. put a TV on and I’ll just fall asleep within 5mins half of the time

  16. I was always a hard no, but got one when my then 2YO kept waking at 5am. We’d stick the telly on for him until we could be awake enough to parent. And now I’m glad we have it. There are evenings when we are both wanting to watch the TV but don’t want to compromise on what, and it really comes in handy having a second telly. (A problem which would also be solved if we had laptops or tablets though.)

  17. Me and my husband sleep in separate rooms due mainly to his snoring and both have tvs in our rooms. He falls asleep with his on a timer but I don’t really use mine.

  18. We had one when living in my flat. My mum often used to laugh at me saying it was pointless when I lived on one floor and my living room was next door and if I was ill then why don’t I just take the quilt to the living room and lay on the sofa?

    She had a point but sometimes if ever off work ill it was just nice staying in bed watching TV without really moving.

    But we ended up phasing it out after so long. We’d have days off work either annual leave or weekends and find we were sticking the TV on at 8am and not budging until about 1/2pm and we’d kick ourselves then that we hadn’t achieved anything.

    Now that we’re living in a proper house we’re missing it a lot in the bedroom

  19. We have never had a TV in our bedroom. It didn’t hurt then when we started living together it was a small 1 bed flat which meant there was barely enough space for anything in the bedroom.

    So it’s always been TV in the lounge but it also forces us to actually brush our teeth before bed. If I had a TV in my room and started watching something at 8pm, I would not get out to brush my teeth.

  20. Small one, that is concealed during the day. I like to put on rain/thunder videos from youtube to help me sleep.

  21. We have one but barely use it, but it’s great for when you need it.

    Recently the fiance and I have both been quite ill, so spent a fair bit of time in bed. So having the TV makes life a little more comfortable.


    However, watching before bed? No.

  22. Only had this once, and came back from a night shift to find the ex had decided to eat an Indian Takeaway in bed watching TV, the whole bedroom stank.

    Beds for sleep and fun, not watching TV. Spending lots of time in bed watching TV will mean your sheets will need changing more frequently, and the next step of people I know who have TV’s in their bedroom, is snacking in bed, or even eating meals in bed. So the bedroom stinks of food.

    It might sound petty to some, but for me this would be a relationship deal breaker

  23. Absolutely not. Bedrooms are for sleeping and sex, and lazy weekend morning coffees. The last thing you need before bed is TV, it’s too bright and your body won’t be producing the right sleepy hormones, and if you’re watching something that’s likely to produce a lot of cortisol (stress hormone) or adrenaline then that also won’t be helping.

  24. No telly in the bedroom for us; bed, chest of drawers, bedside tables and that’s it.

    I do listen to audiobooks before I go to sleep on a Kindle, but you can listen to them with the screen off. They have a sleep mode so turns itself off after the prescribed number of minutes.

    If I’m poorly and am spending the day in bed I take my laptop to watch some telly.

  25. Yep, got one on ours.

    Don’t use it regularly, often weeks without switching it on, but it’s nice to have the option when you want it.

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