Guys, my boyfriend has lived with me for 2 years and he seems to be addicted to pornography because from the beginning I find him masturbating and that’s why I feel insecure about my appearance and body, he also uses telegram as a way to hide pornography that he keeps using I already took his cell phone and saw that he is watching pornography even when I’m at home. I already talked about it with him and he said he just gets horny out of nowhere and needs to “let it go”

  1. By “talk about it” do you mean you made it clear you don’t like him watching porn and would like him to stop?

  2. Might not be the case but he might have a fetish that isn’t being fulfilled on. And he goes to porn to fulfill it. Maybe just say that you would like to know what porn does to him that you would like to be the sole person making him happy and would accommodate any wishes he has.

    Ultimately your happiness is what matters most, and you should figure out if he won’t stop, if that is something that you can live with, or need to break it off

  3. If it’s bothering you, you can bring it up in a non-judgmental way. Then you can make your determination.

  4. If it’s not interfering with intimacy, then I’m not sure it’s actually a problem. That said, masturbating to porn for long periods often does interfere. I think it’s unlikely it has anything to do with how you look though.

    If everything else seems ok, you could always ask him to share what he likes and perhaps discover some kinks he’s into you might not have known about. My wife and I watch porn sometimes (I don’t watch it very often myself lately) together. She’s not into porn herself, but we have fun acting out what we see together.

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