Im just gonna word vomit all of my thoughts right now so im sorry lol…

I honestly just feel so down all the time and don’t know what to do about it. It feels like all I do is wake up, go to work, come home, eat, make breakfast/lunch for the next day, maybe read a little bit, and go to bed. Just to wake up and do it all over again.
It feels redundant and purposeless.
I’m not very happy with my job. I work a temp government position with no benefits. It’s not a terrible job but I don’t think a desk job is for me. But I hang in there and deal with it.
I just finished up a degree that i honestly just feel ‘meh’ about. Actually, I could give a crap less about it. I’m glad I did it in one way but then another way, I just did it because society tells you to and my parents wanted me to. It helped me get into an internship and land a temp position… but to be told by my director that she’s thinking of placing me in the intern program again this year… just doesn’t sit right with me. Idk.
I have a wonderful life. My parents really helped me and want the best for me. They helped fund my college and they basically let me live with them rent free. I pay my phone bill and insurance… that’s basically it.
Even though I have a very blessed life, why the hell do I feel down like this?? Every single day. I arrive at work and can’t wait to leave. I guess I’ve come to a lot of realizations that life isn’t what I thought it was. Idk. Sorry if my thoughts are all over the place but I truthfully feel like I’m kind of depressed and never thought I’d reach this point in my life as I’m mostly a happy person.
Does anyone have thoughts/advice?

1 comment
  1. You’re in a runt with no direction. Pick a direction and move forward. You do not like your job? Get another one. You’re playing it safe really than having a goal and direction. Playing not to lose is almost as bad as not playing at all.

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