My boyfriend (20M) and I (20F) have been dating for over 3 and a half years. While I know that’s still young, I really love him and this past year we talk about our future and the things we want to do. We’re both juniors in college and we’re in a pretty stagnant part of our relationship where nothing really happens. But it’s fine because we both like to lay low and just spend quality time together. And what can we do when we’re both stem majors and have other school commitments. Just recently, my boyfriend talked about with me about how within the past couple of weeks he doesn’t feel as sexually attracted to me. He told me that he’s scared because he doesn’t know why he feels that way and he feels like there’s nothing I can do to change it. Sex has alwyas been a big thing for him because usually just by looking at me he’ll get hard. He’s saying that’s not happening anymore even though the last 3 and a 1/2 years it has. What should I do? Seems we need to spice up the sex life but we’re also just college kids with no money living in a dorm with a twin bed. Any advice? Anything at all would really help because I want to get over this and not have it ruin our relationship.

1 comment
  1. His sex drive as a man can go through ups and downs, that doesn’t mean it has to do with attraction to you, only he knows the answer to that.

    Maybe it’s just stress, or sometimes it just happens. I randomly couldn’t get an erection for a week in my twenties, never happened again (except once, but that was drug induced). I don’t know, dicks do weird things.

    If you are looking to spice things up, sex doesn’t require money, especially at that age, have a threesome, have sex in public, blindfold each other, experiment with power play, experiment with sensations all can be done for free.

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