So I love flowers so I asked for some for V-Day. Out of the almost 5 years my BF (30M) and I (29F) have been together he’s only gotten me flowers once so I was told maybe. You know what I got instead, “the silent treatment.” And he’s been a complete butthole toward me most the day. We work together so it wasn’t just silence on the phone, he was avoiding me too. He gave me attitude this morning while I was asking him a question.

Then We have routines each day and Normally he lets me know when he’s going to lunch so we can take it together but today he waited until he was almost done with lunch to tell me he was at lunch.

Throughout the day he usually comes to where I’m at to take some of my water and bother me, but he didn’t. Lastly Toward the end of the day he usually walks to where I’m at to see how much more I have left but he walked right past and didn’t even care.

He won’t even tell me why, I’ve asked him several times and he says he doesn’t want to start an argument but then says he’s fine. Soon as we got home from work he jumped on his computer to play games with his online friends and he’s sounds normal with them. But when he got off he went to sleep without a word. I already know I’m gonna bring it up in the morning cause this is irritating. Happy flipping Valentine’s Day y’all!!

TL;DR just ranting about how my BF gave me attitude and the silent treatment almost all day up until he fell asleep before 10.

  1. Wait, your BF ignored you on V-day for no reason? You dont know why?

    >Soon as we got home from work he jumped on his computer to play games with his online friends

    I think this is going to be a much bigger issue than people like to let on. I dont know how many relationship problems I’ve seen stemming from the “BF playing video games with friends” issue.

    If I did this to my SO in any capacity, she wouldnt let me go to sleep. There would be a discussion about what the fuck is going on. And thats why I love her.

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