What’s an example of being the bigger man?

  1. Walking away from conflict with dipshits on the street. Exhaust every option before physical violence.

    Accepting responsibility. If you fuck up, acknowledge it, apologise for it, don’t do it again.

  2. Choosing diplomacy over violence.

    Choosing resolution over winning.

    Choosing understanding over anger.

    Choosing love over fear.

  3. knowing how to pick your battles, and what’s worth fighting for and not.

    some idiot on the street making a scene…walk away.

    someone who’s obviously less intelligent, less well read, less educated than you, etc, who’s choosing to die on a ridiculous hill…you don’t make them look foolish. you just go along with it and don’t humiliate them. you don’t have to flex your intellectual muscles by putting others down. just smile and nod and say “oh, ok.”

    your SO is in the mood to argue, you don’t fan the flames. you ask “what’s bothering you?” and you listen. or you say “i’m going to give you some space right now” and walk away.

    not trying to save or rescue people. not always trying to be the Big Hero by helping women or making a big show of doing the right thing for a person with a disability, or a child, or a woman or a girl. if people want help, they’ll ask for it…and if they do need help, be humble and don’t make a big deal out of helping.

    stuff like that.

  4. Holding the door open for anyone behind you, saying hello to people and being polite, offer to carry heavy things for ladies and elders, always say Yesmam or nomam to any lady near your mothers age, shake hands and look people in the eyes when you meet them.

  5. You voice your opinion. Someone insults you because of it and makes assumptions about you that would be commonly seen as offensive. Being the bigger man would be not playing that cheap of a game and moving on without taking a hit at the person trying to offend you.

  6. Being in control of yourself, and knowing why you do something before you do it. Its not about any particular action or abstaining from action, but rather understanding the motivations and intentions behind your actions, and only acting on noble, true, and justice driven intentions.

  7. walking away from someone trying to fight you. you don’t need to prove anything and often times you might just die.

  8. Forgiving, simply forgiving. Not wanting bad things for those who have done bad things against you.

  9. Hooking up with the EX of a guy you never really liked and she tells you you’re bigger than he is. hahah get fucked “little” jimmy.

  10. Drop ego.. some of the best fighters I know bow their heads when they talk and have zero ego. They never argue or fight. Look like damn pitbulls with ears ripped to shreds and thick necks. Nothing to prove.. they know

  11. Not taking the bait from the drunk ‘alpha male’ at a party who boasts of his fighting skills and how he could ‘take on any guy at this party’. Just once I’d like to find out the smallest quietest dude at a given party is a former golden gloves type boxer who knows most importantly when to tune up a loud mouth.

  12. Not starting bar fights. The only way I’d fight now outside the ring would be if I or my family were in imminent danger. And even then only enough so I could run.

  13. Stating an opinion or fact, some idiot wants to fight with you about it, and after engaging them when it becomes clear that they don’t care if you’re correct they just want to be right, you simply walk away (or if online, stop responding). Let them get their petty last word in, because it’s the only thing making them think they’ve “won” and fueling their exceptionally fragile ego’s.

    Taking responsibility and ownership of what you say and do. Good, bad, or ugly, you as a man accept what may come.

  14. I was eating lunch with a coworker. I finished my sandwich and was still hungry. So I took half of his that was still on the plate. He was smaller so he didn’t do anything about it.

  15. Choosing to live according to your own values and desires and not according to those expected of you by others.

    Assuming your values and desires are not destructive to yourself and others.

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