So I met a really nice guy from a dating app and went out with him twice. On the first date he seemed interested, and on the second date he seemed extremely interested. He was flirting a lot, holding hands and kissing a lot. He was not being creepy, but instead he was asking and being very kind like for the first time asking “can I kiss you?” or “is it okay if I hold your hand?” He is very handsome, funny, smart, kind and basically the perfect guy of my dreams. He is very good looking and pretty much above average, also he is very shy and a bit nerdy. I am an okay looking girl, I’m pretty but not extremely beautiful and definitely not ugly, I am short (5’2) but have a decent body, not too thin but not fat, more on the thin small side. I don’t belong to the “hot girl” category, but more of an average cute girl next door. I think I am funny though since he laughed a lot at my jokes and he seemed to have a good time and enjoying our conversations. He can definitely get with a tall beautiful girl, but he seems very very interested in me. He said I like you a lot so many times. He seems like a very nice guy honestly and not someone who’s looking for a casual hookup, he specified that earlier when we were texting on the dating app. He didn’t ask to come up to my place when he walked me home or even plan anything about an at home date or something like that. In-fact he asked me to go out for dinner in the next days.

He is new to online dating and he said he met with 2 other girls before but it never turned into a second date and so he wasn’t too happy about online dating until he met me. Also I see his profile on the dating app is deleted.

I don’t know why but it just seems too good to be true. Are there any red flags I’m missing here? Why would such a handsome guy be so interested in me? I just want to be careful and save myself from any strong feelings.

  1. A solid sense of humour is a big turnon for me and many others! It’s lovely that you can make the other person laugh and be happy, plus, all the better if he doesn’t choose his partners in terms solely of physical appearances/league thinking.

    It’s understandable that you would be hesitant and you don’t have to trust him 100% from the outset, but give him the benefit of doubt and enjoy yourself in the meantime, have fun and trust your gut xx

  2. I’m just gonna say the obvious, he may just want sex. Thirsty men will do anything for sex (even if you think he shouldnt have to try that hard). I know he told you he doesn’t, but it’s a possibility.

    That being said, don’t sell yourself short! You may think you look average, but he probably thinks you look great. Just go with the flow and find out where this leads.

    I would also offer to pay for yourself. I believe men who only want sex with move heaven and earth to pay for you no matter what.

  3. That is a thirsty guy.. Who likely doesn’t get many matches, or hasn’t as of late. Pretty much. Could he just REALLY like you? I highly doubt that personally. It’s been 2 dates…

    Also he is likely not objectively handsome. YOU just find him handsome. There’s a big difference there.

  4. I’ve dated the hot girls. The Beaty queens, the Runner-ups, etc. They were very high maintenance. Wanted expensive gifts all the time, and would flirt with other men if I wasn’t around. Lots of drama and it felt…transactional. Like they were with me, but reserved the right to ghost if they found someone if “higher status”. I don’t do that anymore.

    That’s a long of saying he might just have good taste, and feels a connection to you. Assess him by his behavior. And you’ve described a good man.

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