So my boyfriend of 5 months unfortunately had to go to work on 14th and we decided to go on a date the next day, on 15th. He knew I was excited for valentine’s and it was important to me. We haven’t seen each other for almost 2 weeks. Two days ago he asked me if I wanted to go to a nice restaurant in our city on 15th. I obviously said yes and this man asked if he could take his friend with him?? What the actual fuck. How do you even think of something like that. I wouldn’t have a problem with this every other day but it was supossed to be our Valentine’s date.

Othen than that we were supossed to see each other a couple days ago but he said he was tired. But he was active on Messenger all night and saw the video I sent him at 4 am so he was not asleep and lied. I also know he was not home.

Also something that bothers me a lot is the fact that he never even suggested that he will give me a ride back home from work, when he works 2 minutes from my workplace and I live like 15 minutes away. And he told me that he used to drive his ex gf home from work. I really feel like shit because of it, like am I worse than her? We finish work at the same time (10 P. M) and he really does not care if I go back home home safe.

Also he didn’t even text me “happy valentines day” today. Nothing. I’m not even talking about flowers, that are minimum but not even a phone call or a text? I did not text him either because I wanted to see what he would do, which is nothing.

It’s 15th now and I will see him and his friend (again, what the fuck) later and my question is, should I dump him?

TL;DR: My boyfriend wanted to take his friend on our valentines day date, was lying to me and made me compare myself to his ex. Thinking about breaking up with him

  1. 100% yes. It sounds like he has basically already broken up with you, he just hasn’t told you about it. He’s *quiet quitting* but with his relationship instead of his job… which is what a lot of people do when they are too emotionally constipated to be able to initiate a hard conversation.

  2. Tell him to meet you there. Don’t show. He has his buddy there when you break up with him over text

  3. Why would you even agree to this? As soon as he asked about his friend, you should’ve said You two have fun then. This is not the shit one should have to explain. Judging by your post, your bf is very lazy and thinks that you’ll just take whatever bread crumbs he throws your way. Yeah, it’s time for a break up, he will never put the effort and thought into things if he hasn’t so far.

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