What is your most masculine quality? How do you feel about it?

  1. For me, it’s speaking my mind. I’m opinionated and I’m proud of it. I’m not rude but some people think it’s disrespectful. I find being honest (in a non rude way) is actually more respectful than just pretending to agree.

  2. My face, especially my jaw and cheekbones, my chest, my voice, and my height.

    I feel absolutely fucking terrible about it.

  3. My need to always “come on top” in whatever situation I’m in. I realize that it was a survival characteristic which I developed, but I have no need for it now and I hate it.

    I wish was I more agreeable at times. 🙂

  4. Some people would consider my passion for combat sports to be masculine but I don’t see it that way at all

  5. My strength . . . I’m not muscular, but I do train martial arts. I can hold my own attacker and teammate. I feel great about it. Also, my independence. I have my own home and liquid assets. I can take care of myself.

  6. I have a hard time making the distinction between what is supposed to be a masculine quality vs feminine quality. There are some traditionally masculine activities that I enjoy such as fishing, but in some cultures, fishing isn’t masculine, it’s the wife/mother’s traditional role to forage and put the meal on the table.

  7. I run towards danger and whatever scares me. I thrive on my ability to face everything. This scares a lot of people around me. And im absolutely ok with that.

  8. Loving superhero movies, hating rom-coms, not being openly affectionate with friends and family, cringing at online displays of affection and any kind of couples content in general, watching porn (occasionally). I’m cool with it and wouldn’t change any of it.

  9. I have a visible Adam’s apple. I’m fine with it because everyone as one; it’s just not as noticeable on most women

  10. Assertiveness and low desire for romantic commitment. Glad about it because the idea of these qualities as being “masculine” is all socially-constructed to serve the patriarchy

  11. When things get dire, I don’t panic, I just ask myself what needs to be done, and I do it. I’m talking DIRE, like a tire blowout on the freeway, or a kid falls off a boat.

    Sometimes I feel that seems more of a masculine reaction, but once everyone is safe, I shake and cry like crazy.

  12. I’ve always been a go-getter. When it comes to men and dating, I’ve always initiated. I don’t like to wait. I’m okay with rejection.

  13. I am a small woman with a VERY deep voice. People have jumped when I started talking on more than one occasion. I use to be insecure about it but now it’s working out handsomely in the corporate world.

  14. Not being emotional enough. I`m rather rational and think things through before I decide to act or not. And I say out, what I think about things. Not the rude way, but just so others understand. Also martial arts like karate, taekwon-do and knife fighting. And I don`t like happy colors such as pink, yellow, light blue, beige and nudes. Also no high heels, but flats and combat boots.

  15. According to the internet: being tall, being physically strong and pursuing muscle building, being argumentative and confrontational, dating feminine men, working in STEM, wearing masculine clothing, etc etc the list goes on. These qualities are so common in my female friends and family members that it’s not really something I think about as gendered in daily life.

  16. I got line backer shoulders, I’m broad but since I’ve started weight lifting, I don’t mind because it makes me look more hour glass

  17. Definitely my physical strength. It’s unexpected because I don’t look muscled up or act like I think I’m strong but you can bet I can lift anything the boys can. Everyone thinks it’s great when they are moving house.

  18. I guess my height? I’m 5’9, which is masculine seeing as it’s the average height of a male. I’m fine with it. I think being tall has more advantages than disadvantages.

    But I don’t categorize my behaviour on “masculine” vs. “feminine”. I prefer we keep that way of thinking in the 1950s.

  19. I kind of puffing my chest while arguing and laying instead of sitting on a chair while manspreading. But I’m gender-fluid so sometimes I really like it and sometimes I hate that I do it.

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