Maybe more than one.

  1. I learned that I was never really ugly, I just lacked confidence. In my high school there were (I really don’t want to put it like this but) far less attractive people that were more “popular”.

    Now in my twenties, my confidence is kicking in and I realize that “ugly duckling” was just a mindset.

  2. people will absolutely treat you much worse if you’re “ugly”, or fat. it’s such an insane difference, i couldn’t believe it at first.

    there literally have been situations i got hit on by my former bullies who simply didn’t recognize me. it was insane how sweet they suddenly could be.

  3. When they talk about “everyone” or even just whichever box you should technically fit in depending on your physical existence, they don’t mean you. You’re the invisible exception and don’t actually count.

  4. A lot of better looking people are still really insecure and don’t have their shit together either.

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