What is the best thing about being a man?

  1. No periods.

    …okay, you’re right, that is a cliché answer.

    I like that we’re naturally stronger. Am I an obese fuck? Yeah, but I can still bench 250lb, so that’s nice. Can women do that? Sure, but it takes a hell of a lot more effort from them.

  2. The absolute freedom provided by having no value to anybody ever. People try to protect what they value, and if nobody is protecting you, then you can take absurd risks with minimal interference.

    “Why are you doing that” can be answered with “Why do you care?” And that’s a totally acceptable answer because even if you’re wearing a tee that says “I’m gonna shoot myself” and packing a shotgun, nobody will stop you because it’s not worth their time.

  3. For me I love the aggression we get from testosterone. It makes for some insane workouts and comes in handy with shit like opening pickle jars lol. I also like that society doesn’t constantly put us on a pedestal with compliments on our beauty. I think that would actually be tough eventuallly when that stops and you feel like shit cause you’re used to a life of being called beautiful no matter what. Men don’t get compliments very often and I think that works to our advantage. Women talk about a beauty standard but also want to be called beautiful no matter what, but notice how there’s way less pressure on men as far as beauty standards (they’re there but not nearly as bad as for women). We just never get compliments and never give a shit haha

  4. If my idea is good, people tell me it’s good, and if it sucks, people will tell me it sucks, so I know how to improve, and know their opinions aren’t overinflated for ulterior motives 😁

  5. I don’t worry about my safety constantly. That’s a huge convenience most guys take for granted

  6. I really hope this doesn’t come off as insensitive, but based on the women I’ve spoken to, I’m just thankful I don’t have to worry about many to any creeps while I’m just walking around minding my business. Having to be that little bit more vigilant everywhere you go has to be exhausting at best, terrifying at worst. And I’m not even talking about full-on SA/r*pe, even random catcalling and shit.

    I wish all genders could feel as comfortable as I am walking in public as a man. (Well, not me personally, I have pretty bad social anxiety, but that’s beside the point.)

  7. There’s nothing really all that good about it. I don’t have equal rights. My culture hates me.

    I’d much rather have been born a woman. Seems like a far better life.

  8. Having a dick. Have you seen one? They look cool as FUCK.

    Pussies do not generally look cool. You see one and you’re like.. ok?

    But you see a dick and you’re like DAMN that’s a big dick and you appreciate that dick. And if it’s small you laugh cause come on, what are you really doing with your life at that point

    Edit: I should stress that I’m not talking about uncut dicks. No way those will ever be cool.

  9. Since my hormones calmed down with age? The ability to find near perfect contentment with a dimly lit room, a roaring fire, a glass of whiskey, a cigar, something to read, and a boxing/MMA match or some music on in the background.

  10. Society was designed and built by men, mostly. As such there’s not really any effort required to make it work for us.

    Women over the past 100 years or so have had to work really hard to get rights and fit society to their needs and such, but being a man feels like being the default human. Things are sort of just tailor made for us.

    This feeling persists even after things have been changed to career to women’s unique needs. I feel like it’s still a man’s world.

    It feels like the easiest way to succeed in life is just be masculine, and I instinctively know how to do that.

    That’s what I like about being a man.

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