what do you do to get rid of the constant buildup of anger inside of you?

  1. Get a hobby that involves you having control. Alot of people pick working out, personally I picked building things. Legos, wood work, even 3D printing.

    The thing is it gave me an outlet that was safe & forced me to get out of my head.

    I have tried fighting & training in a good gym & it worked well while I was there (stopped cuz work)

  2. If you have a constant buildup of anger, you need to take care of that, and not simply try to find a release valve.

    At some point, you won’t have a release valve and you will make a permanent mistake.

  3. Talking helps, so does thinking back to what you did as a kid that made you happy and recreating that.

    Sing, do dance classes, do the thing that makes you laugh thinking about the more absurd the better.

    Do the opposite of whatever everyone who knows you would expect you to do

  4. In summer and decent weather 30 km hiking or rollerblade. Otherwise, jerk off.

    But it’s rare for me, not constant.

  5. Having anger constantly building up is not a healthy thing and is not (or should not) be normal.

    That is what is called anger issues as it is not a healthy response.

    Therapy to find the root cause for this is helpful and parallel to that any kind of sport which helps you get a heathy feedback for your body.

  6. Woman here, and I just have a question, why wouldn’t you guys just cry when you’re alone? We, women, do it not because we think it’s a sign of weakness but because it relieves us a lot of stress and we feel a lot better after crying. When it’s too much for us, we just lock ourselves in a room and cry in silence. If no one sees you and judge you for being “weak”, what holds you back from crying?

  7. Find a hobby that will allow you to release energy like running, jujitsu or something like that. Firing range is also a good way to release tension. It teaches you to focus and be disciplined especially in handling something dangerous.

  8. I break the reason down to its smallest parts and remove all human elements.

    E.g. Someone hit my car…so I’m angry.

    I’m likely angry because:
    A) someone hit my car irresponsibly, but they’re human, and that may have been an accident…it’s already done. There’s no point being aggressive with them now. In fact, that would worsen communication and cause more issues.

    B) What’s really the source of my anger is the repair of my car now– the time, cost, arrangements, the fact that it wasn’t my fault or in my control, the annoyance of it all. That’s why I’m mostly upset.

    So now I have some idea why I’m angry, it’s not perfectly clear but it’s a good hint.

    What now?
    Do I accept the things I can’t change, grieve my car and the inevitable upcoming expenses, and understand it’s an all-around shitty situation? Then there’s no real place in that where anger feels like it helps…

    The alternative – I get upset, things stay unclear, I lose my shit and now I can’t see what’s in front of me. My anger would make things worse.

    It’s different if you’re hating on, say, a group of people or the government as well. In those situations, realize the things you mentally consume affect what you mentally produce, so getting aggressively angry about Biden or the Iran Revolution when you live in Germany isn’t very practical or helpful to your contained existence. Is it worth getting riled up and shortening your own life by stressing about things you can’t affect? Are those things even what you think they are, or is it romanticized in your mind?

    For those strictly thought-centric angering issues, self analysis on why ur angry, what made it so, if it’s something you really control or if it’s something you’re willing to sacrifice your personal time to change will help you choose your battles.

    There’s a lot more than that but I tried to keep it brief, and remember when you’re angry you don’t think straight- ur IQ drops, ur decisions become black or white and it hurts more than helps unless ur fighting a war/trying to be John Wick…

    Sorry for the long post, hope this helps.

  9. Boxing. High intensity interval training. Lift heavy weights. Find an empty area and yell or scream if you need to.

  10. I used to deal with quite a bit of anger when I was young and grew out of it. I never found a healthy way to deal with it at the time. Just don’t do drugs

  11. If you have a constant buildup I’d suggest it’s time to make some adjustments in your life.

    First determine if the buildup is caused by anything specific. If so, take steps to address that.

    Second, start putting yourself first. Hit the gym. Eat right. Get involved in your community. Take the best care you can of the people around you.

    Third, Abandon shitty ideas that case you to be angry. For example, the idea of justice or fairness. Life isn’t my that way and it is easier if you realize and accept it.

    Fourth, sex. Sex helps.

    Fifth, identify anger triggers and simply avoid them. For example if you get all losses reading the news, stop doing that.

  12. To eventually get rid of this habit (because it becomes one):
    Talk, talk, talk and change your life. Easy to say, I know. But anger comes from *feeling* attacked all the time or being unsatisfied (or so I have come to learn from talking, it could be other things for others…)


    To reduce the feeling or buildup:

    Moving, especially in nature. But workouts, too.

    I try to laugh often – with people or with stand-up or something.

    Listening to relaxing music helps (doesn’t need to be yoga shit, folk does the trick) or positive heavy music (like some hardcore bands or power metal).

  13. Video games. Ones with weapons and stuff until the rage drops off, then something chill like European Truck Sim 2 to finish the job, lol

  14. Anger is a foreign country to me. Seldom visited.

    You have to ask yourself why you’re angry? And then go about engineering your life as to not trigger that anger. You may have some opinions or beleifs in the way things “should” be but aren’t.

    Expectation, is the root of all misery…

  15. Friends, people who genuinely want to spend time having fun with you. Helps you focus on what matters.

  16. Taking care of myself, being in shape, looking my best, getting my social, physical and emotional needs met. Hard to be angry when you feel good as f***

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