I (23F ) haven’t dated in a long time. Or Talked to guys. (You could say I’m very rusty)

So now in 2023 I decided I could try again.
My last relationship was abusive so I have quite a few mental scars from it. But I’m currently really happy where I’m Standing mentally so actively trying is working for me.

But I have a slight problem:
It’s working too well. Without doing much 3 different guys decided they want me.

1. I haven’t met him in Person yet. Seems like a nice guy. A bit shy. He already calls me *his* little one. He asked me on a date around First of March. I don’t know what I should make of it. He’s super introverted and is quite inexperienced. (He told me personally) I’m not sure if that’s right for me. I came recently to realization that I’m not as introverted as I thought I was and I don’t want to hurt him. But on the other hand I’d like to see him in person.

2. Teammate, We know each other well but he’s sometimes really immature. (Long distance) In my opinion we shouldn’t be dating because of the team- relationship.

3. Event- Photographer: We know each other personally. I told him I really liked the pictures he took of us at the event. And last year we met networking (which wasn’t a date just a little networking with other people from different Teams/ brands etc… I thought he saw it similarly) But when the pictures where online of the event a lot of them where me. Some teammates where not photographed at all and he took like 12 pictures of me. Which Is a lot and weird. During the winter break we didn’t talk much to each other except strictly sports. Now that the season is starting again we talked about upcoming events etc. But now he started sending emoji’s with the kiss (😘) Every time.
I don’t know what I should think about that…
He’s a nice guy too.

What should I do now? What is some one supposed to do in this situation?

I really like to hear your opinions in to this situation.

1 comment
  1. Kinda crazy how the dating market is. Males are out here struggling to find even one female that wants to date them but then females are complaining that they have too many 😂😂.

    Funny observation aside, nobody here can tell you which answer is objectively correct. You simply have to decide for yourself which guy you like the most and go with that. Unless you’re into that polyamory nonsense, in which case go with all 3 of them.

    Meet with guy 1, see what he’s like. If you don’t like him, go with guy 3. Simple process.

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