Gf and I have been dating for 4 months now and its been going ok with the exception of one issue. She has a very close and intimate relationship with her guy best friend. They go on vacations together and share room and bed and even cuddle, she sits on his lap as a joke constantly and they go salsa dancing together. I have tried to be ok with it but its too much for me. I think its mostly cultural as I am from Korea and she is from USA but whatever be the reasons, I am not happy in this relationship. And I don feel comfortable to ask her to stop what she considers normal but we have very different boundaries. Whats the best way to breakup in this situation? Because there is no reason like cheating for a breakup. How to go about the breakup here? Thank you in advance! Do you always have to provide a reason for breakup?

  1. That’s not cultural at all you just don’t do that by all means they can have friends of the opposite sex but sharing a bed and going salsa dancing I’d be questioning it too that’s not cool I bet if the tables were turned it will be a massive problem

  2. “I want to part ways with you, It seems that you care more about your best friend more than me, and you’ve crossed my boundary, goodbye, hope you’ll find another guy who will accept that.”

  3. “I do not see this relationship progressing any further. I think it’s best we break up.”

    Just say it, get it done, and move on.

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