We’re having fight carrying on from yesterday. She told me I am piece of shit just like my late father, which I didn’t know really well. I asked her if she is going to talk to me like that in front of them, she needs to leave.

On top of this throwing bottles of water and being overly aggressive, pushing me out the bedroom and trying to slam the door on me.

What can I do? Should I just move towards divorce? I don’t know if our relationship is salvageable at this point.

  1. Why does she say you’re a shitty father?

    Is she always aggressive like that? For your kids sake, you need to get them out of that situation.

  2. Something brought this on. What was it? There’s not enough information here. Obviously it’s not okay that she pushed you.

  3. It’s not about the food. She is upset about something and is using the food as a means to vent.

  4. If she doesn’t want to work on this, improve, and admit she’s acting horrendously…. Yes divorce. Honestly when she’s pushing you and throwing bottles I’m not sure I’d even try to reconsile unless you’d cheated with her best friend or something and she’d just found out.

    Talking down on you certainly isn’t ok either but usually something one can talk about if the other person is willing to listen.

  5. This is leaving out a lot of details. Maybe find out why she feels that way and see if there’s a way to work through them while both of you are happy.

  6. I hate the reverse the gender game but if you reversed the genders no one would be asking you “what brought this on”, they would be telling you to get out, get safe, and tell the authorities. That is my advice, she sounds like she is unstable and domestic violence should never be taken lightly. We have too much evidence of where it leads.

  7. Divorce, get cameras and film the interactions with her so you can get custody and immediately file to have her pay child support. She’s toxic asf

  8. Start recording her outburst and keep a file to establish a pattern in her behavior and get your shit together to serve her. She will definitely lie and frame you as abusive to keep kids away from you (for money).

    Her bringing up your relationship with your dad as well as being physical is a giant red flag. You should be careful OP.

    You hope for the best but prepare for the worst, and that isn’t just simply divorce so start getting your things in order.

  9. This is cluster B personality disorders. Gather evidence. Get hidden cameras. Get your kids to safety.

  10. You’ve given us so little information, I have no idea. It’s like me asking you what I should have for dinner, but not telling you my options. Why would she tell you, you’re a shitty father? That’s seriously cruel, and her putting hands on you is completely unacceptable. That’s a deal breaker in of itself. Is this a one-off? Or have you two always fought like this? What is she going through?

  11. I was in that situation.

    I was loving, hard working, making an awesome salary, never physical, I paid for everything, I gave her money, I bought her tons of stuff, I never cheated.

    Occassionally I made a stand. we had an apartment that was smaller than she wanted and in a part of town that was less nice than she wanted. Our car was not as new as we could afford, but that was for the best for both of us…. so much extra saving money.

    she routinely verbally abused me in front of the family and yes I eventually got the courage to follow through with the divorce. we’re done now. It did not work out.

    so IDK about your situation but if you ask me verbal abuse, especially in front of the kids, is a major deal-breaker and red flag.

  12. Wow. I could never even imagine a scenario of my mother talking to my father like that nor treating him that way and vice versa. They have been married 30 plus years

    No well in hell I would stay married to her.

    I just don’t understand why so many posters in this sub date and marry such nasty people

  13. Relationship counselling or divorce. Personally, if my partner told me I was a shit father, especially in front of the kids, the relationship would be finished.

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