I’m on mobile, please be kind in regards to format.

TLDR; I have only been playing Nic Cage movies for our movie night and my partner hasn’t mentioned it after seven movies

My partner and I have a semi regular movie night with my brother (also male 30s) where we have dinner and hang out. When we were talking about starting doing a movie night (actually Valentines last year) my partner and I had just watched National Treasure as a joke, it was my favorite movie as a kid and he had never seen it.

A few days later we watched National Treasure 2 to wrap up the series. I had been chatting with my brother about movie hang outs and had the idea to only choose Nic Cage movies but just not mention it to my partner, who I will call Dennis.

Dennis is a very sweet golden retriever type guy. Very go with the flow and laid back, which I love. This is relevant!

My brother (David) is on board with the idea of this little prank, and we came up with a few movies to watch. It took a while to get movie night off the ground but we are now meeting up once or twice a month and it’s been really nice.

The first two movies were more popular Nic Cage films that Dennis and I hadn’t seen, so it didn’t really come up as to why we were watching Nic Cage movies. Next one was a little weirder, but Dennis didn’t say anything.

Then I decided to make a list of 20 movies (all starring Nic Cage) so we could roll a dice and it would “randomly” pick a movie for us. I also do this for our date night dinners so maybe it doesn’t seem weird?

David also got Dennis and I some Nic Cage coloring books for Christmas, and a somewhat sexy photo of Nic Cage. Admittedly my brother is a very weird person so I can see how Dennis would just brush it off.

Before our most recent movie night Dennis asked me if Nic Cage was mine or David’s favorite actor. I said not that I knew of, but that David and I liked watching some “bad” movies together from time to time since we like to crack jokes and talk over movies (we have been known to binge Madea movies for this).

We have now finished our 7th movie night of the Nic Cage saga. Dennis does not seem phased at all and has seemed to just have accepted that we only watch Nic Cage movies.

I really don’t want to be like “hey babe, have you noticed my epic prank yet” and was wondering if reddit might have any ideas on how to level this up a bit! And, it’s a nice break from what can be a sad subreddit at times.

Also yes, I promise this is real.

  1. If you want to really level up, you could get a cardboard cutout of him and tell him a friend gave it to you or something! If you said something like “I don’t know, maybe they think I really like Nic Cage?” I think it would throw him off

  2. In my head canon Dennis has realised that it’s a prank and is looking to see who breaks first. In reality, you’re now locked into a Cage-off.

    If you’re looking to up your CPM (Cage Per Minute) then changing your phone lock screen and background to different Nick Cage “moments,” along with the same with your laptop and screen saver would be a good start.

  3. This might just be my own personal take because I despise pranks in relationships, but I wonder what his reception will be when you finally explain to him that all of this Nic Cage stuff is just for you and your brother’s amusement at his obliviousness. Meanwhile, he just casually assumes you two love Nic Cage, but if I was in his shoes and after weeks or months of this you both had a big laugh about this, I’d think you were both kind of assholes. You admit he’s an easy going guy, likely non-confrontational and go with the flow, so if you two are happy with the movie choice, he’s cool with it. Mocking him for tolerating your love of Nic Cage (and it will be mockery, because that’s what pranks are about), might not be a great idea for a guy who trusts you.

    Sorry to play the part of the sad subreddit comment, but pranks are fucking stupid when the point of it is to make fun of someone who’s being kind.

  4. just so you know.

    people i trusted who did prank in my relation lost me or received passive aggresive revenge served cold.

    remember that golden retriever count for half of the animal aggressions in the USA. they can keep grudge for years.

  5. I once had 2 different people give those pillows with the sequins you flip to make a picture of a face for my birthday. Both nic cages face. Love them.

    I’m a huge fan of a nic cage film, even the bad ones, and we even have a group chat called cage rage where during lockdown we 4 watched the films together in our respective houses.

    I don’t think this ‘prank’ is that bad.

    Could also consider replacing pictures in your house with his face too.
    I have a framed picture of macgyver over my toilet and very rarely do people even ask me about it.

    Nic cage socks on your feet? Snakeskin jacket? Wear one of his iconic outfits from the film you’re watching each week?

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