has anyone here ever “retrained” their hunger, and if so what did the process look like?

  1. Never had lunch, but as every one of my colleagues went, I went too.

    A bit time after I got hungry at lunch time.

    Now I do intermittent fasting, it started with hunger, now my body doesn’t care if I don’t eat for 16 hours.

    It’s trainable behaviour, in either direction.

  2. I did 6 days no solid food just 3 cans of V8 a day. Your stomach shrinks and as long as you don’t overeat it’ll stay small. I am now at my highschool weight.

  3. I only eat once a day and am told it’s unhealthy. Have a few coffees thru out the day. Don’t eat until I get home from work at night.

  4. Your body takes a couple of weeks to get used to changes in your eating schedule or volume. You’ll likely experience intense hunger pangs at first, but eventually they will be more manageable or go away altogether. Doing this to lose weight I find it important to remind myself that the slightly hungry feeling is a sign that the changes to my eating habits are working.

  5. When eating less: I started skipping breakfast. Sucked for a few weeks, then I got used to it.

    When eating more: Add breakfast back in, bump up portion sizes for lunch and dinner.

    When eating way more: add high-calorie snack/mini meals between breakfast-lunch and/or lunch-dinner.

  6. Technically, I guess. I’m more into volume eating now. Lots of volume, lots of micronutrients, decent amount of fiber, generally low caloric density

    Just cutting down on portion size kind of sucks especially when you’re active

  7. Just only eat at the times you want and do your best to ignore the hunger the rest of the time. Your body will adjust after a week or so to your new feeding schedule, and you’ll quit getting hungry when you used to eat.

  8. Got COVID. No loss of smell/taste, but modified it slightly. Went from being a lover of most foods to kind of just “meh” about food in general. 40 lbs down 8 months later. My problem is that my normal diet is below maintenance and I have to force myself to eat more.

    One food weakness I do have a bit still is sweet snacks. Kettle Corn, lemon cookies, froot loops, ice cream. If they’re not around I’m fine. Put a box of Froot Loops next to me and they will be gone in a day. Fortunately I’ve been active enough for it not to be an issue.

  9. Eat less or no carbs. A couple weeks of that and I notice that my hunger goes way down and I get full so fast that I literally can’t overeat.

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