This is something that I’ve ran into about half a dozen times now, and I’m not sure if it’s just a unwritten rule I don’t know, but is it wrong to ask for a reason why?

Like say you are broken up with/ghosted for no discernible reason, are you in the wrong for asking why? I’d say about 75% of the people I’ve dated have a negative response to this question (call me a creep or misogynistic for ‘needing a reason’) but I was always taught to improve yourself you gotta ask questions. I’m from the US btw.

I’m sorry if I’ve just missed something or a social rule but I have difficulty understanding. Like I never ask it as if I am demanding our feel like I am owed a response, so it’s just confusing

  1. No, but don’t reply with anything except thank you, even if you completely disagree with what they said.

  2. To me, it is more of a matter of how it is phrased.
    “Why wont you date me anymore?” -> weird
    “Wondering what I could have done better.” -> less weird

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