I’ve seen so many posts recently of men not liking women using toys to orgasm during sex OR solo.

If this was the only way a girl could cum, would they just prefer they didn’t orgasm so it’s more natural or whatever?

I want to use toys so bad because I never cum during sex but nervous because of all these post and don’t want men to be weirded out!!!

  1. Personally I make a point of making the woman cum before I even penetrate so if toys were the only way to do that then you throw them into the foreplay

  2. I want my girl to be happy. No judging, whatever it takes.

    She can use dildos vibrators whatever, even huge ones if she wants. I’ll fuck her anyway she wants, finger her, lick her, suck her, whatever

    I just want her to be happy. And cum a lot.

  3. Honestly, if I had feelings for a woman I would like a fair opportunity to make her orgasm by my own. But if I failed, then I wouldn’t mind at all as long as using them involved me in whatever way.

  4. I prefer for her to have options. It’s awesome she can cum so many different ways. Adds so much variety to our sex. It’s fantastic.

    That being said, you might need to judge whether your partner has any hidden insecurity around performance. That’s usually the main cause that has men resenting toys in bed.

  5. I’ve never had an issue with toys. If anything I’m more likely to encourage them. However, instead of feeding the egos of some guys, I think it would just be better if more women openly talked about how they need clit stimulation to orgasm. Normalize using toys and fingers with PIV/PIA.

  6. I would NEVER prefer that she just doesn’t orgasm. That’s nuts. I welcome toys. I haven’t used them with all of my partners and I can always make them cum with my mouth at least, but a little wand action while I’m inside of them or a finger sleeve to finger fuck them while I’m licking their clit, or anything else to enhance their pleasure is great.

  7. My wife doesn’t like any contact after she has cum, and she can’t cum from PIV, our general pattern is 1) foreplay on her own, 2) foreplay with me once she is in the right headspace 3) PIV until I cum, 4) me holding her and lightly playing with her breasts until she cums 4) me not touching her while she cums many more times. In the end that is what works for her

    I guess the point I’m trying to make is that people have a rhythm that works for them and that is ok, so you figure out what works for you

  8. It’s absolutely not acceptable for your partner to be ok with you not coming. Some guys love toys, some are OK with toys and some hate them. If you have difficulty reaching orgasm without them that just means you aren’t compatible with a section of potential partners so make sure this is discussed before you get to sex and move on if necessary.

  9. Hi there. Your lover needs to take care of you. Just as you take care of him.
    Toys are a magnificent way to handle this. Let him use one on u. With you. He’s no less “manly” because you don’t orgasm from his penis. Jesus. He needs to get over himself

  10. I use toys. I don’t last long enough to get my partner off, plus, they don’t get off with just PIV. So once I’m finished, they get their vibrator and I’ll use a bigger toy on them. I thoroughly enjoy how they react and enjoy it, as well as how hard they cum.

  11. It’s much more simple than that.

    They’d prefer a woman who didn’t need toys in order to orgasm.

    There’s no real way to screen for that, though.

    You want to use toys? Go for it. He’s either into it, too, or he’s not the right guy for you.

  12. A man’s penis is in third place behind his mouth and fingers when it comes to pleasure. Make her cum two to three times before you use your penis and after that it won’t even matter. Both of you all will end up satisfied. Most women need clitoral stimulation when being penetrated anyway. All orgasms originate in the clitoris, even the vaginal ones.

  13. If a man has a problem with you using a toy, DO NOT SLEEP WITH HIM.

    I can only cum with a toy too. And nobody is taking away my orgasm just because they are ignorant and insecure. NO MAN IS WORTH THAT.

    Just have a discussion before you actually have sex. Ask him what his stance on toys is. Tell him you need one to cum. And how does he feel about that? If he is not 100% on board with that, move on.

    Just be aware almost every single man is going to want to try to make you cum without a toy. It’s up to you if you want to let him try. I won’t. I dont need to waste my time on something that I know isn’t going to happen just to feed an ego. If a man tells he he’s going to try after I tell him I don’t want him to, I won’t sleep with him.

  14. Women cum first. If you want to continue getting laid, just remember, women cum first! Don’t matter what it is, toys, tongue, rubbing or just making out. I’m comfortable with what ever gets your motor going!

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