A girl sent me a picture of her naked from the waist up and I found myself, usually not one to be tongue-tired, curiously unable to find a compliment that didn’t sound either corny or creepy. What can I say?

  1. Say it’s been a long time since you’ve been left speechless, sometimes not being able to say anything is better than some corny ass shit.

  2. If she is literally sending you a pic of her tits, it’s not gonna be “creepy” to her if you say something sexual lol

  3. You can never go wrong with words like beautiful or hot or some comment about your physical reaction—she’s showing you her naked body because she’s hoping it will get you all hot and bothered. If it is, say so. Don’t leave her hanging thinking you think her tits are ugly.

  4. My gf send me those everyday and I still don’t know how to react my man, just do the same as i do, amazing I wanna suck em

  5. “Wow, you’re adorable, I’m kind of speechless”

    Be classy, don’t focus on the tits. That’s basic.

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