This guy I’ve been sleeping with for a year, treated me bad, and I finally cut him off. It’s been a few months and now he’s saying allllll the things to get with me again … I think it’s all lip service. But then again he’s said some sweet stuff… “Your love was good, I’m so stupid for fucking it up, I miss you,” etc. Etc. šŸ¤ØšŸ˜‘šŸ„ŗ

  1. donā€™t, most cases itā€™ll end the same and youā€™ve wasted your time. if theyā€™re meant to be in your life it would have worked out in the first place not ended. find someone whoā€™s going to stay and stick through it with you not leave when it gets hard. what heā€™s doing is love bombing – my ex did the same. when things went a way that was out of their control would sweet talk you into coming back, but once things got comfortable the cycle continued.
    but in short DO NOT give a person like that another chance.

  2. actions speak louder than words. let him prove to you that and above all how serious he means it and don’t fall for stupid babble

  3. Why is a grown ass woman wirh kids asking a vague question like that on reddit of all places?

    Tbh just be single a while. Otherwise you will be back here in a week swearing that all guys are the same and then go back out and make the same mistake again.

  4. Don’t give him another chance honey. He’s gonna be sweet to you for maybe a few weeks or so and then go back. They always go back. You deserve better! You deserve a man who will always treat you right.

  5. Fuck that skin mark on societies that is waste the space piece sit I can do you so much more justice

  6. Itā€™s lip service , donā€™t do it people donā€™t change in a couple of months they can change after a few years. My advice leave it broken if you both run into each other down the line sure you can think about giving it a chance but not right now

  7. He already treated you poorly when you were giving him what he wanted. To me, certain exs are exs for a reason. If a split was amicable and timing in life didn’t line up, that’s something to potentially revisit. But being treated badly is never ever something to go back to. Not even a little bit.

  8. how did he treat you bad? big variables there.


    Did he call you a bad word, or did he sleep with your mother? big range of “he treated me bad”

  9. No, he had a year to get his act together. Let that guy go. They always say sweet things to get you back…don’t fall for it.

  10. Actions over words. You know it is horseshit, but you like the package the horseshit is wrapped in.

    Plus from reading some of your comments, he isn’t even your dude? So this is like some fwb situation with emotions wrapped up in it?

    Why not just find someone else if its just a fwb situation? Seems like a lot of unnecessary drama for someone you’re not even in a relationship with.

    But I think you will probably give him another shot. Good luck.

  11. Depends what he did but I think you need to ask yourself whether you want to be treated like that. People often realise what theyā€™ve lost upon losing it, so he probably does miss you. But will they treat you better?ā€¦People rarely change their behaviour.

  12. There are so many people out there. Giving this person a chance to treat you poorly again when theyā€™ve already shown you who they are is such a waste of your time and a huge missed opportunity. I say that at someone who has made this mistake a few times before. Move on. Stay strong and keep moving forward. Donā€™t miss out on meeting somebody great because you keep picking up the trash you threw away in the past.

  13. NO donā€™t go back. Heā€™s just acting like that bc he ainā€™t getting any cake so heā€™s getting desperate. If he was really interested in you he would be making the effort to take you out on dates and stuff.

  14. Sounds like he googled ā€œValentineā€™s Day get back together quotesā€ and is lip servicing them. Be careful, Iā€™m serious, this time of year the Valentineā€™s Day quotes are everywhere and guys are using them as lip service to woo that girl they screwed up with back between the sheets. It may sound good, but apparently he thought the grass was greener on the other side of the fence when he screwed things up to begin with! Why is he back now? Sounds like he was messaging or trying to get with someone else and you became an after thought, so now that that hasnā€™t worked out heā€™s back. Why would you even take someone back after they treated you like crap? Because what he says sounds good? Thatā€™s not a good enough reason. Good luck, I hope things work out for the best!

  15. It depends how bad he treated you. Thatā€™s completely subjective, but if heā€™s physically or verbally abusive then Iā€™d say no

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