So there is this girl in one of my classes and I want to approach her and ask her out on a date. I have an idea of what to say. I’m not afraid of getting rejected, but rather having to see them for the rest of the semester. How can I avoid it being awkward and stuff if she says no?

  1. The way I handle rejection is by gracefully moving along with my own business. The last girl I asked out rejected me. My response was something along the lines of “Okay, have a nice day.” This was a few weeks ago.

    I just talked to this girl last week because we’re on the same team for a project in my English college class. We’re friendly with each other, on good terms, crack jokes, etc. Rejection is only awkward if you make it awkward by taking it personally or acting all weird after it happens. A lot of people I see who make rejection awkward do it accidentally because they have unresolved emotional issues they aren’t aware of.

    They’ll do things like get upset at the girl for rejecting them, become scared to interact with that girl due to insecurity/embarrassment, not accept that the girl said no and isn’t interested and keep pushing her boundaries, etc. If you don’t do any of those things, there’s nothing to be “awkward” about in the first place unless she’s the one making things awkward. If you’re calm, respectful, and mature, you have nothing to worry about 9 times out of 10. If you have any of those issues I mentioned above, I’d recommend you to therapy so you can overcome them and enjoy a more liberating and fulfilling life.

  2. Okay, what’s your current relationship like with her? Does she know you, are you friends? If not, ask her if she wants to study together. You can start off friends and get to know her, and then see if she starts to take an interest.

    By Spending more time with her, you should be able to tell if she’s interested. If you still can’t tell, then I’d probably wait until the end of the semester to ask.

  3. Worst they can say is no and if she does, show some confidence by letting it roll off your back. It’s awkward for everyone, but breaking the ice after is a good way to get them reconsidering or seeing you in a positive light. Just smile and say something like “good, I’m broke anyways” then wish her a good day and walk away with your chest puffed and head held high

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