My (19F) date (22M) got someone expelled from university.

I (19F) went on a Tinder date with someone (22M). He was so charismatic and my type that I was completely charmed. We had an amazing conversation and the sparks were flying like crazy. He was incredibly smart.

However, he said something that made me feel…scared? He said that he had a friend who was a girl, who was constantly harassed by a guy. The guy wouldn’t leave his friend alone, bullied her, touched her, and stuff like that.

So he made a rumor that that guy raped someone and got him expelled from his uni.

Now of course I sympathise with the girl, but isn’t this just a bit too far? It’s making me feel scared to be on his bad side.

What do you think?

TL:DR : the guy I went on a date made a rape accusation to get someone expelled

  1. RUN!!!!
    I’m old enough to be your mom and ive had my own share of bad experiences where i wish id listened to my gut feeling.
    That feeling you’ve got making you feel uncomfortable, is there to protect you. Please please, always listen to it.
    This guy is actually telling you who he really is.
    Please believe him.

    The charisma may be lovely, but with people like this, it’s often a facade.
    Find someone who is honest, and will treat you with the respect you deserve.

    Best of luck.

  2. Nah, whatever happens you dont just start a tumor that someone raped someone, that’s too much

  3. They don’t expell someone just for a rumor. Hell, lots of schools protect rapists rather than expell them.

    Either the school had lots of evidence that corroborated the claim or your date is lying.

  4. This is a red flag for a lot of reasons. There’s the story itself, assuming it’s true. (It almost certainly isn’t, but that doesn’t really improve the situation.) Then there’s the fact that he goes around telling people this story on the first date and expected it to impress you.

    Telling a story about this totally awesome time you screwed someone over for messing with a friend is trying to communicate two messages at once: I’m a good friend to have, and I’m a bad enemy to have. It’s practically a veiled threat, he just cheerfully told you he is willing to destroy somebody if he decides he doesn’t like them. The implication of “so make sure you keep me happy” isn’t subtle, there. Also the fact that he thinks this story is at all believable suggests that he’s one of those “omg girls have all the power, if you just SAY someone is a rapist their life gets ruined” types, which is just another reason to run for the hills.

    Plus telling a “this is how opposed I am to harassing girls” story on the first date is a weird flex that is a bit on the unsettling side. It’s like if you just had your first meeting with your new babysitter and they immediately told you “by the way I DO NOT eat babies, I am very opposed to eating babies and your baby is safe with me so no need to worry about me eating it.” The weird statement out of the blue kind of has the opposite of the intended effect.

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