My(25F) husband(26M) suspicious relation to this woman.

I need help.

My husband used to work at this place where this woman used to hit on him. After I asked him about it, he admitted she called him home and he refused, but was trying everything to seduce him. She even walked out of the toilet in her underwear once in front of him and he left and didnt look. That what he said. After all that, he left the job. Long story short I found out he follows her other account where she posts pics with her dog etc and I confront him about it and he becomes defensive. If she means nothing why do you keep her in your likes? He likes every single picture there. First he said no, and I said I saw it and he admitted.
She has her main account that he unfollowed after she tried to seduce him and left the job, but why does he still like every photo of her other account. I think he also keeps her number in his phone. Like why, you worked two years ago together? He said also: If i wanted to cheat I would call her. I wouldnt like her pictures.
I feel terrible about this because its still her account.
Why he continued? I am crushed and thinking about divorce because I think more happened. How do I get him to tell the truth on why he still likes photos?Please advice. Thank you.

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