I love my boyfriend a lot but I have a lot of doubts and am insecure which I think leads me to find all the things wrong with the relationship. I’ve tried to work through each one but my recent dilemma is I have realized that mine and my boyfriends relationship began the same as he and his exes. Pretty much same age difference, met at work, had a big crush on him and then started dating and he is very serious about us and wants us moving in with each other. It’s literally just like his previous relationship. Idk if i am overacting but it’s really bugging me. Makes me feel like this is just his thing and our love story isn’t actually special. Also we got together and jumped right into the relationship very quickly after he and his ex broke up and she moved out. Like I’m talking only a few months. Am I just a rebound? Is this just the beginning of another cycle of what he does? I guess I’m just seeking opinions and advice on how to get through these thoughts.

Tldr: pretty self explanatory in title

  1. There’s almost entirely no context in your post so we’re taking shots on the dark completely.

    I’d reckon if anything it might be due to his age. He’s 32 probably more sure about what he wants and maybe even looking to marry and have kids soon tm.

    Where as someone younger like yourself has more time and less pressure to do such things.

    I dont know if its a pattern but it may be due to his age.

  2. My only advice is to never compare your relationship with anyone else’s, including exes of your partner. You never know what their dynamic was and you never know what the reason was why it didn’t work. Each relationship is unique including yours. And it sounds like you’re not sure since you’re using words like “doubts” and “insecure”. What is the real cause of this insecurity? I doubt it has anything to do with his past. What’s happening in the present that’s causing this?

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