So, basically i have a big group of friends (9 people) and we are very close, we used to play together in the pandemic which was always fun, but what I noticed is that one friend, thinks he’s the “leader” or he’s more important than others, he’s funny, confident but truly he’s destroyed on the inside. Any type of argue that he had lost he tried to hurt himself in all ways possible.
And this “leader” dude, didn’t liked the fact that i have a kind of leader personality too(doesn’t mean I want/think to be more important than others) so he started making fun of me, way more than anyone else, and it’s not the usual man harassment, is real things that really hurts. And some other friends started being hostiles with me too. And those friends are really nice with me when the “leader” is not around(i think they are too afraid to be harassed like this, so they do the easier, they target someone that is already being hurt and hurt him more). Also they kinda follow everything he says, like he’s right all the time. Even when i say something they don’t laugh at all, but when it comes out of he’s mouth in the exact same way they all laugh like never did in their life. Yes, I wish they treated me at least with respect, but the environment turned so
Toxic that they got used to it.

In this group i have one friend that notices that a lot and he’s my bestfriend, i got closer to him, and we have a great friendship, but even when he complains of me being treated like shit, the group turn hostile with him too. Also, everything i say in the group when they are playing videogames together, they are extremely hostiles, because they are in the discord saying the best eay to harass me. I don’t really know what i am looking for saying this here, but I wanted to vent a little. Sometimes I think they are jealous of me, because im kinda “good” with girls, i workout, and mostly because I am confident and happy with the world. So they need to lower me so I could be like them. It’s like, real world people like me a lot and stuffs but inside this group they don’t. And yea I should probably find some new people to be friends with, but it’s not everyone in the group, it’s 4 people. And the others basically don’t say anything.

While I was writing I noticed what I want venting here. I want to know if u had something like this in your life and what you did, what would you do in my place. Im not actually sad, i got used to it, but I wish our relationship were less toxic, its not like i dont want people making fun of me, its actually normal, my relation with my best friend is like this, we make fun of each other in a healthy way.

Thanks for reading, and be around people that likes you(even tho im not doing this)

1 comment
  1. I was in the same spot as you. Although they were my only friend group at the time, I still cut them off. Being around people that use you as a verbal punching bag really took a toll on my self esteem. Considering I didn’t push back much and had low self esteem to begin with. I think I made the right decision in the end.

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