Me, 23M recently has been talking to a girl 25F over the phone and text for a couple of weeks. We hit it off well, she asks to hang out multiple times throughout our conversations, I say sure.

When it comes time for me to schedule the date, she agrees, but then flakes at the last minute. Rescheduled the date 2 more times with her and she still flakes, but now the conversations are getting more dry and she seems less and less interested.

If anyone else is facing a similar situation as me, I’ll be straight up. The best possible move you can possibly make on the chessboard is to walk away. They are not worth your time.

I’m a very patient and understanding person, but this girl has tested the limits of my olive branch. My only regret from this experience is that I didn’t set the boundaries and expectations sooner.

If a person is being disrespectful to you or your boundaries, **WALK AWAY**.

Mutual respect is the foundation and groundwork for a successful and healthy relationship. Without it, any relationship is doomed to crumble.

Just learned this lesson, but I wanted to put it out there so it can hopefully be of value for someone who is going through something similar.

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