So a coworker (23 F) and I (43 M) were friends for over a year and after she quit I would talk to her about once every 2 weeks. Not long after she started dating her new bf, a preacher, he asked her to cut off contact with me. A bit of info about myself, I’m happily married for 13 years now. There has never been any attraction towards each other by me or the female friend.

So, she sent me a text indicating that her bf didn’t want her communicating with me, when I asked why she was wanting to change the dynamics of the friendship for him I was blocked. Less than an hour later her bf had the audacity to call me at work. I returned the call later, as I can’t talk on the phone at work. He told me that “they decided as a couple to not have friends of the opposite sex.” He also made a veiled threat that I better not use mutual friends to try to communicate to her. I asked some female friends if this was normal but a lot of them seemed to not have a huge issue with it.

Am I the only one that thinks this relationship is TOXIC?

  1. A little, but I mean hey, if those are the boundaries and they agreed on them, good for them, it’s not your work to go between them.

  2. She doesn’t work there anymore, you’re twice her age and her boyfriend is right. Why do you want to remain friends? Move on.

  3. It doesn’t matter what you think. Move on. I would think it was weird too if I were him

  4. Does your wife know you text a young woman ? It seems sketchy that you do that.

  5. He could be controlling but he probably also thought it was weird and maybe that was just an excuse to say why she can’t be your friend

  6. Never come to reddit for real advice. You will immediately get the you are to old you are a groomer does your wife know. These people have about as much experience in real life as a stick.
    They see cheaters in everyone along with child molesters.,also abusers.

    If there is more more than a 3 year age difference they completely freak.
    I have come to believe on many levels puritanism is on its way back.
    Soon tar and feathering not to mention stoning in Town Square. Will be the norm again.

  7. ngl, it is a bit weird and seems controlling. it’s even weirder that he called you, lol wtf? but i also find it weird that you’re 43, married, and wanting to be friends with some woman coworker half your age.

  8. I think it very well could be toxic and this guy could be pretty terrible (particularly with calling you) but that being said she made her choice and set that boundary so I would respect it and walk away. Otherwise you are setting yourself up for a lot of drama and heartache.

  9. Unexpected turn: what if she herself did not want to be friends with you and asked her bf to help?

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