What is it like to have a man crush that’s completely heterosexual vs when you may actually feel attraction to a guy? As a queer woman it’s hard to understand what a straight guy could recognize in a man as attractive/admirable that’s not teetering you into bisexual territory. If you’re bi, how did you know you’re feelings started to cross a line straight men’s admiration for other men didn’t?

I’ve heard of straight guys who can’t recognize if another guys attractive and other people who identify as straight yet have a list of man crushes. Guess I’m curious how the latter still knows they’re straight or not as platonic attraction is how I started realizing I wasn’t actually straight.

  1. The answer is there is no attraction.

    That is what straight truly means. If you have man crushes, you are probably bi.

  2. Some dudes look damn good but I know I’m straight because the idea of sexual intimacy with idea man is disgusting for me personally. Of course I have no problem with others that don’t feel that way. Moral of the story nothing wrong with acknowledging another dude looks damn good.

  3. I’ve only ever seen men I wanted to emulate. If I had genuine romantic based feelings towards a man whether that is physical or personality I’d presume I wasn’t entirely heterosexual.

  4. There is no attraction. You may find another guy particularly charismatic or a good teammate/leader, but the thought of doing anything sexual is downright repulsive.

    Now for men who claim they can’t tell Chris Hemsworth from Gilbert Gottfried… I think they’re lying. You know what’s considered conventionally attractive and what isn’t even if it does nothing for you.

  5. >I’ve heard of straight guys who can’t recognize if another guys attractive

    straight guys also can’t tell if women are attractive, men don’t hold women to any physical standards.

  6. I can love another guy like a brother, where there is no sexual interest at all. I can also admit when another guy is conventionally good looking, and still not be personally attracted to him. The same way my wife can pick out another beautiful woman, but not be interested in her sexually.

    Aside from that, guys share a lot of similar interests, are probably more likely to share life experiences, etc., so it can be easier to be friends with men than women.

  7. I recognize nothing in other dudes that is attractive. I can’t recognize my own attractiveness.

    I don’t get the man crush thing at all, it seems like it’s just admiration of something that they’ve achieved.

  8. I think anyone can understand what is attractive. I don’t think it has anything to do with being straight or gay.

  9. If I have a “man crush” it’s not because they are physically attractive, it’s because of their accomplishments and/or character that I find admirable.

  10. It’s like a vacation from being judged for both parties, or at least the judging is overt and not passive aggressive 😁

  11. There’s not really an attraction/sexual attraction. Just can say that’s good looking mother fucker. Ryan Reynolds for instance, that’s a good looking pretty mother fucker. Can even joke and say I’d fuck the shit out of him. But there’s zero actual attraction, desire, etc to do so

  12. Sometimes just listen to how a guy speaks about another guy. One of my favorite clips is mark Henry a power lifter and pro wrestler talks about Ron Simmons . You can hear in Henry’s voice how he has admiration for Simmons(and later on Erny Ladd) and even Steve Austin does despite Austin being becoming a bigger star then Simmons(who was big in his own right being the first black champion in wcw, but Austin was one of the major attitude era stars)


  13. “What is it like to have a man crush that’s completely heterosexual”

    There’s no such thing.

  14. I am also bisexual but I am falling in love with the person, Not the gender – ok I think I am maybe more like pansexual – I like feminine guys, I like masculine guys, I like Trans guys ans Girls, and so on

  15. I’m not attracted to them. I can say anyone is good looking, the same applies for girls, but as with some girls, guys aren’t for me.

  16. I guess it’s the same attraction I’d feel for like a brother. Kinda a ” I love you to death bro, but I’m not in love with you” kinda thing.

    Like I’d take a bullet for my bros. I wouldn’t take their dicks lol.

  17. Like, while I can acknowledge that another man is good looking, I’m not attracted to him like I want to be with him to the same degree as I would with a girl.

    For example, I hate seafood, event though I can acknowledge that it can look good and appetizing, I still won’t eat it.

  18. A straight guy is straight unless he has sexual feelings towards other men.

    You can have a crush without it being sexual.

  19. I think a New Girl joke actually explains it very well. I just think, if I looked like that would I be happy? If the answer is yes then he is attractive.

  20. Have you ever looked at a woman, reocognized that she was attractive, but not felt “I would like to fuck that person”? It’s as simple as that. You can recognize that a man is handsome, charming, or otherwise attractive without feeling a tingle in your dick when you look at them. If you’re a mother of a son you might recognize that he’s a very attractive man. You might have a friend who is very good looking, personable and confident who you admire and like to be around but you are not aroused by the idea of sleeping with them because as a straight man, your brain only produces that sexual response for women.

    It isn’t just limited to men either. There are plenty of women who are conventionally attractive but to whom I’m not personally attracted. Doesn’t mean I’m blind to how gorgeous they are, just that they don’t do it for me. Men don’t do it for me, simple as that. Doesn’t mean I can’t tell if they’re hot or not.

  21. >As a queer woman it’s hard to understand what a straight guy could recognize in a man as attractive/admirable that’s not teetering you into bisexual territory.

    Have you never admired someone without wanting to boink them?

  22. Like some others have said, me finding a dude attractive has no bearing on whether or not I want to peg him (or be pegged). Sometimes it’s just acknowledging “damn he looks good” or “I want to look like him.”

    For me, that guy is Daveed Diggs. He is one good looking dude

  23. There is no attraction if you’re a straight man.

    If you find men attractive, you’re not a straight man.

    I can logically recognise that another man fits the template of whatever is considered conventionally attractive this week, but I do not feel any attraction. It would be like having sexual urges toward a postbox or a streetlight. As far as my libido goes, men and unattractive women simply don’t register as sexual beings.

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