Most of the time I witness someone fart in public or in the company of other people it’s a man. For women on the other hand it’s normal to try to withhold farts, to the point that they train themselves to do so – not 100% failproof but effective most of the time. So it is something that’s achievable. There are men that hold it but why so fewer than women? I just don’t get why men would prefer embarrassing themselves or grossing other people out over the slight discomfort of holding in a fart…

  1. Who says we’re embarrassed? Lol the ones who fart in public generally don’t give a shit what others think

  2. If you hold in your farts, you end up full of hot air. So that explains more than just YOUR question.

  3. The men who do that don’t feel embarassed (either geberally or that specific context) so there’s no downside.

  4. Very likely to be the difference in socialization between men and women. Men get away with being the “grosser” sex because they aren’t reprimanded as much as women are when it comes to social etiquette and hygiene. I’ve noticed my mother being wayyy more concerned about how my sister behaved and dressed in public than how she was with me when I was younger. Some guys don’t give a shit at all and let it rip. I’d like to ask back why some women are overtly self conscious about farting or sneezing in public. You never hear a guy sneezing like a mouse in public. We know you don’t sneeze like that at home lmao

  5. Because farts are funny, it doesn’t matter how old you are, cradle to grave, farts will always be funny

  6. As much as I’d love to go sit in the bathroom for hours until everything is out, that’s not an option. And when you’re that gassy, it’s gotta go somewhere.

  7. Momentary discomfort for everyone around that they’ll usually forget about in the next minute


    Continuous self discomfort while holding it in until you’re alone.

    Don’t know about you but that fart earned its freedom and me relief that harms no one in any meaningful way.

  8. Everybody holds in farts, even guys, to some extent. I stopped giving a fuck about everyone else’s delicate sensibilities when it became a choice between their brief discomfort or my ongoing discomfort.

    I will definitely hold it in during intimate moments, and if I feel a shart coming.

  9. It’s a volume competition. Exert dominance. When you know it’s gonna happen, make it loud and proud. That phrase “never trust a fart”…well that applies after holding it in.

  10. Actually for me I make a conscious effort not to fart in front of others

    I don’t know why some people just fart as a sign of pride and then comment on it 😅 it’s not all men, trust me

  11. Honestly, it skews towards men, but it’s not all just men.

    I actually was in a liquor store yesterday when I heard the lady behind the register let out a big one. I don’t know if she knew if I heard her or not, as I was hidden in an aisle further down in the store.

    Personally though, I am in a public area, I actually will hold it. Even though it can be painful, I know personally that it is kind of rude to let it out.

    But, on the other hand, I had a guy friend visit me last week at my apartment. He went into the corner to let one out. I told him that it was a polite gesture but he honestly could’ve just let it out on the couch and I wouldn’t have cared.

    TLDR – There are guys that are conscious about holding it in, but, when we are by ourselves or our type, we don’t really care.

  12. Because one of life’s simple pleasures is letting one rip in the car with someone else in the passenger seat and not allowing them to roll down the windows.

  13. I mean, I try to hold in my farts and get embarassed. There’s just a certain segment of the male population that truly does not care what anyone thinks.

  14. Because why do I care about embarassing myself to a stranger? You think less of me because I farted? So what? My bowel’s comfort comes ahead of your opinion of me.

  15. A finely tuned internal combustion engine requires a finely tuned exhaust system. It is a purely natural process and one that should never cause shame or embarrassment.. Why should I be embarrassed if my body is functioning normally. Makes no sense to me.

  16. You must not be a parent. I’m a single mom with two girls and one boy. my son farts any where and every where. no regrets. no shame. and i was the only parent from age 8 months til now (he’s now 20). he didn’t learn it from me. and my girls rarely fart in public. it just comes natural to some

  17. My god you are annoying. Literally complaining bout something everyone does.

    Women fart in public also. It’s not breaking news. It’s been happening since the dawn of time.

    Also it’s not healthy to hold in farts.

  18. Farts are always funny. So much, that we create fake fart sounds, hence the whoopie cushion

  19. Really? Care to guess how many air biscuits I’ve walked through that were definitely baked and passed around by a woman? And they are just as raunchy as any mans.

  20. Because generally, it’s more socially acceptable for a guy to let one rip. Where it’s socially frowned upon for women to do so. I’m dealing with this now, trying to get my teenage daughter to understand that it’s considered “unlady-like”.

    Like I tell her, even if I agree that yes, everyone should be equally allowed to rip ass, or no one should, unfortunately I don’t make the rules. I just have to live in the world that has them already in play

  21. … they were raised this way I guess? My husband was raised in another country where this is not at all socially acceptable and would never. Thank the lord.

  22. Stop trying to gas yourself up on some bullshit misinterpretation. Men absolutely do this. There are also multiple billions of men.

  23. It’s natural bodily function, that’s why? If we as men asked women why they don’t just hold in their period, you would all collectively lose your fuckin minds lol. Go cry in a corner if farts bother you so much.

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