If people don’t know who you are, what do you do to show your own uniqueness? I feel like your age, how you appear, your mood, state of mind, and how you respond to conversations all play an important role. Also, let’s say you are a guy with long hair. Just based on the fact that you have long hair, could make someone judge you as “probably a weed smoker”.

I also, feel like certain people cliche with others better. Just like automatically. And I wonder why that is.

In my view, I just act like myself. You’ll see me with all of my flaws. And you either accept me or you don’t. However, I talk a whole lot better on one on one conversations than group conversations. Group conversations don’t even make much sense to me to be honest.

  1. I always get into the room with a casual and light smile. Also o try to have a good posture so i look more confident, and remember if you pretend to be confident you’ll became confident. I know its weird, but just try it. Don’t be so closed, when u talk make your chin high, and also, talk to everyone individually. People like being remembered and treated right.

  2. It’s completely dependent on how you carry and express yourself. Being confident, genuine, and dressing well all help. Don’t be a people pleaser and set your boundaries. If you’re genuine, confident, and your style reflects your personality, you’ll do really well!

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