What was something you have learned about human nature as you have gotten older?

  1. I’ll go first! I’ve learned that if someone is angry and hostile towards you, and you don’t do or say anything – they usually calm down. They were probably looking for a reaction to get more fired up. By not giving them a reaction, you take away their power

  2. People aren’t black and white. People can have bad phases of life and learn from them and then improve. I’ve seen so many people behave poorly in certain circumstances who improve when given the opportunity to do so.

  3. Very little in life is black and white, and you almost never know anyone else’s real story. I am mortified on behalf of my younger self regarding the statements and proclamations I frequently made that exhibited a moral high horse but no real experience.

    After being married, divorced, having a child, and now in a crazy situationship after traveling the world, I rarely ever judge anyone.

    Also most of life can be cataloged under “you can’t make this shit up”. 🙂

  4. Some people are not who they claim to be and the ones that try to convince you they are some type of way are usually quite the opposite

  5. That your perception of life really does color how you feel and what you think about others.

  6. Not everyone know how to communicate and give constructive feedback. It started with work, in my mid year review or end year I sit with my manger and tell them to please give me constructive feedback and then I do the same with my team member and friends and family from time to time. It’s good to reflect on our actions and how they impact their feelings and listen to them.

  7. If someone is an asshole to you, it’s almost a guarantee they’re an asshole to a whole lot of other people. Especially if you didn’t do anything to provoke them.

  8. There are many versions of one person.

    And it’s not that they’re lying or being two-faced (unless they are, of course), it’s that we present different facets of our personalities to different people and almost nobody sees the real, true, full person.

    So, if I see a side of someone that I’m not accustomed to, I try to compare it in terms of the context before passing judgement.

    Now, if they present any side that is a racist, sexist, other -ist, douche canoeness, I have no problem 86ing the connection.

  9. EVERYONE has some exposure to trauma. And they’re dealing with it, mostly unknowingly.

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