I (33M) have had a weird relationship with sex, as I’ve had mainly casual encounters. But for the most part I watched a lot of porn, masturbated a lot, but was generally very honey. Recently I had a FWB and one time I think PE came into play during a 3rd round of sex and things haven’t been the same for me. I went 3 weeks without porn, although masturbated a bit because I was receiving nudes from someone. Then the PE hit AGAIN the next time I saw the FWB. Went 2 weeks without masturbating after this. FWB cut me off in the middle of this. So one day I decided to just masturbate a few times cuz I was bored at home and I wanted to feel good. Naturally this ends up being a day I randomly take a girl home and we have sex. I was drunk and relaxed but my dick didn’t really work for more than a few min. Now, I’m fine doing everything else, I love oral, kissing, holding, caressing, being rough, etc. The girl seemed to enjoy herself but I’m here in my head beating myself up over not being able to really fuck, and my ego is BRUISED. It feels like I’m going through the motions in sex, I know what I’m doing and I’m good at being responsive to a girl’s reactions, but I’m still here just worried about my dick working. And I’m not even enjoying masturbating so much anymore because it almost feels like me just checking to see if my dick works and I’m thinking more about the strength of the erection than just enjoying myself. Sex almost feels like this daunting chore because this is all about my ego.

Anyone else go through this? I feel like I just need to take a break from sleeping with people but that also just sounds scary and extreme, idk.

1 comment
  1. I think I would recommend the opposite. Back way off on the porn and masturbation and try to spend more of your sexual activity with partners. Masturbation is really something people should use as a bridge between times they have actual sex. Otherwise it can become a compulsion or desensitize you, and get in the way of actual sex. Plus, even if Allen Iverson wasn’t a fan, it’s all about practice.

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