What will make your dad proud of you today?

  1. Fuck that guy, he always called me a waste of time and I haven’t spoken to him in over 10 years. I’m proud of me.

  2. Likely nothing, or possibly even everything, as I have stopped concerning myself with his very low set of standards for quite some time now. Instead I strive to push myself for betterment on an individual level for myself, because I don’t need to justify it to anyone but myself to be a solid individual.

  3. I’m better than him in every way possible

    Most importantly I didn’t smoke myself to death leaving two orphans before they reached the age of 6 ,that was stupid

    I don’t give a shit if he’s proud or not, the dead can’t control my life

  4. I am no longer in a relationship with the wrong woman. I am successful in my career. I support my mom and brother in his place as best as I can as my father is deceased.

  5. So I’ve noticed, based on the comments, that a majority of dads suck (mine included).

  6. I didn’t do anything special today so it would be weird if he became proud of me today of all days.

  7. He’s be proud if I became a communist and started supporting the separatist ‘republics’ in Ukraine (DNR, LNR), now not even recognized by Russia lol.

    Not going to happen

  8. How I treat women, the kind of father I am – he knew his flaws and he’s not seeing me repeat them. How supportive I am with family, how selfless I can be. My intellect.

    I’d be none of those things without him, whether he taught me how to do it or what not to do.

  9. That I didn’t fall into his habits probably. He wasn’t the best person/father/husband.. but he was my dad.

  10. My blood father – don’t know. He never asked much of his children, was just happy to have us.

    And my stepfather.. he’s just proud that I keep pushing forward. That I got a job, friends, hobbies. He always supports all of us.

  11. The fact that I’m doing my part for the family where he can’t because of his mental health issues.

  12. Screw him, I’ve done what I could to make him proud but then I realized he never truly cared about me, so I’m doing things that make me proud.

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