I (18f) am in college and since I was a teen I just couldn’t talk to guys like even in a normal sense. And guys seem to avoid me for some reason, maybe it’s my looks or convo style but the thing is I get along with most girls ,so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my way of conversing, I haven’t made a single male friend since high school and now that I am pursuing finance which is male dominated, it feels like if I don’t learn how to talk to guys I might have problems with my career in the future. You might be thinking that I may come across as pushy or giving vibes that I am interested in anything romantic and stuff but I don’t let the conversation go in that direction and most of things I say are related to small talk stuff that u say to start a conversation and now I just don’t even try to say anything but I figured out I should give one last try by posting this on reddit. So any advice is appreciated.

  1. I’m in a similar position, opposite gender. Maybe if you start a conversation about the class and have a funny, relaxed attitude you can find success. Heres my problem if you can help me: I joined a lab group with a bunch of girls expecting I’d have the usual kind of awkward experience but it turns out these people are really fun and cool! They have also want to study biochemistry and do research and are pretty easy to talk to. I get excited when I meet guys like this but these are girls so it’s pretty cool if I could make more friends like this. Anyways we were on really good terms and I had an online chat with one of them asking about a question related to the class and she responds but then I ask if she wants to make a study group and she hasn’t replied yet after quite a while. I hope she didn’t take it the wrong way as in like Im hitting on her, I genuinely want to talk to her more. Am I in the wrong?

  2. A sure fire way to be able to talk to guys is to be attractive. Any guy will oblige a cute girl who strikes up a convo about nothing. A second more technical method is to act very interested in their male-oriented hobby that you see them doing, because it’s rare for females to be interested in said male-oriented hobby. But the efficacy of this seriously pales in comparison with the first option, which is just looking good. You can talk about nothing, or if you seriously want a foolproof plan, then ask for help [as a cute girl].

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