Should I, and if so, how, give hints about it at some point in dating? I dont want to disappoint nobody, or cause a bad suprise.

  1. I understand your concern but don’t stress it frfr.
    Anyone that would not be with you for That, isn’t anyone worth your time

  2. Never project self doubt. Remain playful and positive about yourself. If she comments at any point, shrug and move on. There’s more to lose by prematurely discussing it.

  3. Just say it is what it is darlin, and get really good at owning it. But also get extremely good at foreplay. And using what youā€™ve got. So many woman say itā€™s not how big itā€™s how you use it. Iā€™m sure itā€™s something so many guys deal with everyone is of different makes and sizes. Be so confident in ur other (like foreplay) which a lot of women actually prefer leading up to sex as this is when a lot orgasm. A lot of woman donā€™t or a lot of the time donā€™t climax during sex anyway. oh and like be a good lover, like other things matter when u having sex, like the positions, how intimate, kissing, kissing her neck- places they like, how u hold them, passion you are, whilst the sex is going on. Make up for what u feel like u donā€™t have and you wonā€™t look back lol.

    P.s. I was not expecting to be that detailed lol but feel it was probably worth explaining it all. Hope this helps!!!

  4. As I heard someone once say “you can only fk with the dk god gave you”
    Just own it
    There are way more ways to pleasure a woman that doesnt consist of penetration.
    Use this to your advantage and explore other ways of satisfying sexual needs – practice, and get really good at it.

  5. Well thereā€™s small, and thereā€™s SMAAALLLLā€¦

    The first one thereā€™s really no issue, most women donā€™t care and if they do they arenā€™t worth the time.
    Iā€™m rocking a solid 4 inches and I havenā€™t had a complaint yet.

    If youā€™re SMAAALLLL then there may be an issue but they have surgeries for that now

  6. My Sweet Young Man, Learn how to use your fingers and your tongue and become The Oral King. The best oral experiences I have ever been blessed with is by a man whose cock is less than average, but he makes my whole body quake and he and I both enjoy a vibrating cockring when we fuck. It increases his size and his stamina and makes my clit go crazy!!
    Donā€™t be afraid of toys my dear. They can help you both. Also give her breasts attention, but find out how much and how aggressive. Be her intimate lover unless she asks for a beast!! Others are so right that you have what you have and you can make it amazing if you choose.
    Just remember sexy time is about both of you enjoying yourself!!!

  7. Most women donā€™t even orgasm with PIV. Get comfortable with making her orgasm first and foreplay. And I mean foreplay for a looong time man. Not 5-10 minutes. That may help you feel more confident. And itā€™s really special to women when youā€™re thinking about how sheā€™s feeling. So you can ask her what she likes or have her show you so you can learn.
    To me, that matters way more than size. Lots of guys rush through foreplay to get to what they want, and that doesnā€™t feel great.

  8. Not all women are size queens and having a big šŸ† doesn’t make you a great lover. My advice to you would be learn and practice great foreplay techniques. Also learn what position are good for your size. Be adventurous and confident when it comes to having sex.

  9. Compensate in other areas in sex , sure penetrating is good , however donā€™t eliminate foreplay, fingers , stimulating other parts of the body . If all you want to bank on is your D , expect your grade to be a D or lower.

    Just gonna say , I have a slightly above average D and Iā€™ve never just let that take priority. Iā€™m always trying to satisfy my Lady friend(a), when I had them, out with other things .
    So far 3 have said I was the best they had and the other 2 said Iā€™m a top 3 so donā€™t let your šŸ† be the only thing that makes less or more . Work around with what you got .

  10. One of the consequences of dating people is you never really know what you get until packages unwrap and you get down to it.

    And there are a million reasons for it to be a bad match, even a big size, as a matter of fact.

    My point is to just to not talk about it until you are in that moment. Everybody is insecure about something. Be a good person, make people love you and I swear, a woman will love small penises because of you.

  11. Well small isn’t a problem if you’re good at using it. And do you mean small as in less than porn’s 8in? Small as in less than the average 5.5in? Or small as in literal micropenis medical condition? The last one is the only one I would really consider a possible issue, in which case, see a doctor and get into a community of people like yourself. Otherwise, learn your angles and get good at oral.

  12. Size insecurity is about other peopleā€™s pleasure. Let them decide whether or not you are for them. You might accidentally decide for someone (through insecurity) who actually would be a great fit (pun intended).

    Donā€™t ever decide for other people.

  13. What size are we talking about?
    If it’s not micropenis, don’t worry about it.
    Yes, there will be those for whom it is a dealbreaker. But it’s not the end of the world. I’m sure there are plenty of women in your area who will prefer your size over big size. And as soon as you find the one who matches with you, find out what she prefers and just learn how to do it. Motion in the ocean, brother.

    Also, use various toys during the process. It helps a lot.
    Don’t compete. Cooperate.

    And don’t look at porn as a role model or something.
    Porn is for visual (key word) entertaining, not for education. It has almost nothing to do with real life.

  14. No, some women are mean about it but a lot aren’t. You are fine and shouldn’t have to warn anyone about anything with your body. Plus there’s a ton of other stuff you could do, work on your mouth game and you won’t get ghosted.

  15. If you can’t please with the peen then u got a tounge and fingers. Plus you will have more control.

  16. I wouldnā€™t worry about it, girls who genuinely like you will enjoy you no matter what. Also most women have a difficult time achieving orgasem from straight penetration. Rubbing your penis against their clit and talking about what feels good will help.

  17. guys its not the size its the motion in the oceanā€¦ I have mind blowing sex with small dicks u just gotta know how to use it

  18. One of the best sex I had was with a guy with a small dick. Buddy did everything right, and that was even before peneteration. He made me cum countless times so by the time he put his dick in me I was like oh yeah I’m going to make you cum so hard cause you deserve it. So stop being so focused on the šŸ† and please your partner first and they will be happy with you no matter how small you are šŸ˜Š

  19. What is too small? Girls donā€™t need a big boi to be pleased, usually 5 inches maybe even 4 inches is enough to do the trick.

  20. Buy a dick sleeve online and try it out. Just in case the nice girl that falls for you ends up wanting more in length or girth. Allow modern sex toys to help you.

    Depending on how small it is, I won’t lie and say it’s how you use it that matters.
    A sleeve or a realistic strap on could help even if you don’t use it all the time because sometimes size does matter.

  21. Definitely donā€™t bring it up, but donā€™t lie or pretend itā€™s huge either. I just wrote a whole big comment about this subject in another sub. Carry yourself with confidence rather than insecurity. Having a complex is only going to turn her off. I was once with a guy who had this issue. Everything wouldā€™ve been amazing except he couldnā€™t stop causing arguments over his size. And I loved his cock but he wouldnā€™t accept that. It just got to be really frustrating and annoying, which is too bad bc our chemistry was šŸ”„, as was the one time we hooked up. Just let her find out. Focus on being a good lover, not on your penis size. A lot of us women donā€™t care about size, and big ones can be painful. If she dumps you over it, then thatā€™s a HER problem, not a YOU problem, and it just means you dodged a bullet.

  22. Donā€™t worry about the size of your dick. Some of the best sex Iā€™ve ever had was with a guy that had an extremely small penis. Believe me when I say I was not disappointed. Did I know how big his dick was before we had sex? Yes. We fooled around. Itā€™s not as big of a deal to women as you think it is. Plus please stop comparing your dick to what you see on the internet. Those are often times not normal.

  23. I don’t have a small dick but I would like to share some points that I’ve observed and might help you a bit.

    1. Dating is about getting to know or spending quality time with a partner or potential partner. Everyone and I mean everyone (even the prettiest and hottest women) has insecurities such as yourself and dating/intimacy is how you accept a person’s flaws/insecurities, and maybe help them through it or just accepting it. Its one of the factors that make a relationship unique.
    2. Intimacy is mostly done outside the bedroom. Intimacy is not just about how you fuck or do oral. its also how you make your partner feel good through intimate conversations, touching, body language, eye contact, etc. Intimacy is how you show your affection to your partner in tons of different ways. How you show respect and admiration.
    3. Sex is not how you think it is, or how it is perceived in society or porn. Foreplay plays a big role and like #2, foreplay starts outside the bedroom. I’ve experienced having the best 3 minute sex after an intense prolonged foreplay, and also experienced good sex without foreplay. Foreplay is not just using your hands, fingers, or mouth, its also how you make your partner feel great and aroused (ref. #2). I can also say for a fact that I’ve made a woman cum with a 30% hard dick just as much with a 100% hard dick. Yeah some woman prefer to be pounded hardcore, but most women (in my and other’s experience) prefer the slow, passionate and intimate grind.

    My point is, the dick is just a fraction of what makes a relationship or sex great. And if in the event a person doesn’t accept you because of your size, then that person isn’t the one for you.

    So my main advice is to learn to love yourself and embrace your assets and flaws. Use your assets to your advantage and to compensate for your flaws. Everyone has them. Always be respectful and honest.

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