
  1. Sometimes I can’t get immediately hard when she wants it and it sucks.
    Also I am not attracted to all women type of bodies like other men are, and I think they are more blessed than me, cause they are not so picky as my body and brain..ah fuck my life – sigh

  2. Seems like every year that goes by my balls tend to get more and more in the way. Definitely something I could do without but have to accept. Haha.

  3. Strong diaphragm from years of vocal training means that hiccoughs can be downright painful, and powerful coughing fits are sometimes enough to knock me out for a second. I’ve learned to grab hold of something.

  4. Not weird or unusual but after eating whatever I wanted for 39 years, now in my 40s I have to watch what I eat because certain foods absolutely tears my stomach up and destroys my next day. Unfortunately I’m starting to believe the culprit is onions.

  5. I got a type of arthritis (thanks dad) that can also fuck with where your tendons connect the muscle and bone.. so if I’m having a bad flare up sometimes I can’t fully straighten my left arm. You’d be amazed how easily you adapt when your body doesn’t work the way it should.

    For example atm my left index finger can’t really bend.. im left handed and teaching myself to draw.. its like playing on hard mode but I refuse to let my shitty genetics win. My body shall bow before me or be broken in its futile resistance.

  6. Migraines will ruin my mornings. Diet, exercise, and good prescription meds have tamed them for the most part but they occasionally pop up to make sure I don’t get to enjoy my quiet video game time before everyone else wakes up.

    Also, I sometimes get the farts despite no changes to my diet. Luckily I work from home but it does not do me any favors with the missus

  7. All this goddamn ADHD shit, for one. Need all kinds of specific things to sleep comfortably, struggle to execute basic life stuff, and so on.

    Finally discovering that’s what it was has been a big deal though, and makes accepting it far easier.

  8. Getting an erection on things that are not worth it, such as minor anime characters that don’t even look hot or sleeping on my face. But when I want it to erect for a purpose, it does not erect at all and sometimes it just gets a little hard enough to not hang out

  9. Above Average size dick that looks small because it’s not proportional on a huge dude frame

    Even worse it’s a grower not a shower and can and does pull a full scared turtle when cold.

  10. I have a bad seal in my esophagus. So that “valve” y’all can pop open to let out a burp? I don’t really have one. I cannot burp. I just kinda…. gurgle. It doesn’t really effect my daily life aside from horrendous acid reflux if I’m not careful.

  11. Sometimes, when I wake up in the morning , I get a really bad headache that make me wanna puke. No amount of medication will stop it for at least 2 hours.

    Been happening since 2017.

  12. I wake up early. It’s not uncommon for me to wake up at 5:30am naturally. I consider 7am sleeping in.

  13. If I put my left shoulder in a certain position I can make it sorta sink in and lock into place. Can’t do the same thing with my right

  14. Randomly can’t shut off. Happens every other month, I just can’t sleep at all. Go to bed, close my eyes and spends the whole night awake trying to sleep.

  15. Sometimes my throat glugs.

    I need to clear my throat 500 times a day.

    I have to go to the bathroom 5 times before lunch, no matter what (yes, not IBS or stuff like that) I eat the day before or for breakfast.

  16. I can’t make it on 6-7 hours of sleep like a normal adult..I need 8 hours and I prefer 9.

    It kind of blows my mind that tons of people’s normal sleep habits are like 12am-6am. I’d be absolutely floored.

  17. I can shower 3 times a day with all the soap known to man & carry sticks of deodorant/antiperspirant around with me wherever I go and I still smell.

  18. Why am I able to deep throat dick but I can’t brush my teeth without gagging so hard that people check on me!?

  19. If I’m sleeping in the same bed as a “new person”, I’m going to jerk every now and then as I’m falling asleep.

  20. My sense of taste can simply go away and come back extra sensitive. Sometimes it is just 1 type of taste that goes away like not being able to taste sweets or salt. It has happened throughout my life so it isn’t covid. I have gotten used to eating food that occasionally just tastes completely different from the previous time I made it.

  21. Sometimes when I bend over I feel like my ribs are almsot overlapping I can feel soemthing tensing or moving inside me around my rib cage area

  22. Been getting reacurring styes suddenly this year almost every few weeks that last for multiple weeks so essentially just chain styes never ending

  23. A large percentage of the time my piss comes out in 2 streams. Sometimes vertically and sometimes horizontally. Seems to be when there’s low pressure most of the time but there’s been numerous times when I’ve woken up for a piss with enough pressure built up to a clean a pebbledashed public toilet and it’s still come out in 2 streams.

    Really fucking annoying.

    Also my ankle ligaments have about 15-20 years left in them

  24. My joints pop all the time. I think I have loose tendons or something.

    My right eye will occasionally develop a twitch that’ll last for either a couple hours or a couple of days.

    I have a psoriasis patch on my balls that feels like fire ants having a go at me. Medicine makes it go away, but it comes back every time.

    Whenever I eat dinner, within the hour I need to go #2.

    A specific muscle in my shoulder starts radiating a “nerve pain” that feels uncomfortable so I need someone to mash it every once in a while. A door frame works in a pinch.

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