Hello, F23 here. I am looking for some tips on getting over the consistency of cum so I can swallow it without gagging. I want to say first that my partner has great hygiene and a good diet! His cum doesn’t taste gross to me at all. He drinks lots of water so it isn’t overly sticky either. The problem I’m facing is that cum to me has a consistency of mucous and I have a hard time getting it down.

Please don’t recommend I deepthroat. My gag reflex won’t allow that, haha!

edit: he is not pushing me to do anything I don’t want to do or insisting that I swallow.

  1. It’s not easy, I like to think of it as drinking medicine and just get it done as quick as possible. Like a shot! I also distract myself by digging my nails into my skin and just thinking of anything else but what it tastes and feels like. Sorry its not easy!

  2. girl just spit. if you hate it that much it is not worth it just to turn your partner on. just show it in your mouth and spit it and let it run down your chin or on your chest. most guys think that’s hot anyways.

  3. Don’t. Just spit. Any partner worth giving head to won’t create a fuss. And if they demand you do…you demand that they snowball it first.

  4. I hate swallowing cum. It does this weird thing to my throat. I have mentioned this before lol. If you cant swallow it, then spit it out after he finishes or ask him not to cum in your mouth lol. Another thing that people do is wear a condom while doing that. I know I know probably not the most pleasurable, but its an option.

  5. I’m not a big fan of swallow it and I have some difficulty, but sometimes I do and it goes well. The problem is not the taste, but the consistency that I find strange. I once asked my boyfriend if he likes it when I swallow, and he replied “that he likes the feeling of being able to cum in my mouth, but it doesn’t matter if I swallow it or spit it out.”. Just do what you feel most comfortable with.

  6. Ok. This may seem weird but if it’s already in your mouth, start allowing some of your own saliva to pool in so that when he does, you have enough “swallowing power” to effectively mix in with it. Tilt your head slightly downward, hold your breath, and then swallow it really hard!

  7. Personally it wouldn’t matter to me if she swallows or not as long as she takes it in the mouth.

  8. Just let him cum around your mouth and on your face, so you still get some in your mouth but don’t have to deal with the entire load being in there. It’s still so hot and I guarantee he will not think anything bad of it.

  9. I have the exact same issue, I hate the consistency lol! First tip is to have him either stand up or sit on the edge of the bed so you can go down on him where gravity works and cum will go down your throat, not pool in your mouth. Him laying on his back and me trying to suck at that angle chokes me. Second, curl your toes, it helps with the gag reflex. I have a trick where I keep the head angled towards the back of my throat while using my hand to stroke when he’s finishing. That way you don’t have to deepthroat and concentrate on swallowing. Also, this might be person and situation specific, but having him cum before hand from something else usually helps the next load not be as huge. It’s less overwhelming and might help you train yourself.

  10. Dont think about the consistency. Just concentrate on making love to his cock. And swallow as soon as he cums. Eat a banana afterwards.

  11. Right as he’s finishing push his dick as deep into your throat as you can handle and swallow immediately two or three times. If it never touches your tongue it doesn’t taste as bad and you never feel the texture at all.

    I can’t handle having it on my tongue regardless of spit or swallow.

  12. I find it very hot when my partner swallows and I’m disappointed when she doesn’t, but I would never say anything negative if she didn’t.

  13. No saying deep throat, but if you can try to have it in the position that’s as far back as you can go, I think that would help. I have always swallowed, but I never have noticed much cum in my mouth because it tends to be far back by that point. … or maybe I just don’t notice.

  14. It took me a while to be able to swallow without gagging. I just kept practicing and finally got it. Start off with smaller portions first I found easily for me

  15. Well have a drink next to you. And take it immediatly after swallowed. That’s how my wife started. With pratice it becomes easier.

    Try to make him cum under your tongue, it shoudl help.

    Don’t wait and swallow when you can (the more horny you are, easier it will be).

    My wife would tell you that you’ll get used after some time.

  16. Move it to the back of your mouth quickly. Doing a bigger gulp that takes in more air may help too.

    Also try getting in the mindset. I’m not sure how kinky you are but I often like feeling like my partner’s sex toy. Like I’m 100% here for his pleasure and that it’s my duty to swallow his cum. It makes it feel soo hot. Looking up at him while I do it and having him instruct me and praise me also really make it easy.

    Have water or something nearby afterwards! Focus on other parts you like more. I hope you can get past the texture.

  17. The deeper his dick, the easier it is to swallow. Just deep throat the fuck out of his dick while he’s cumming and then it’ll already be halfway down your throat.

  18. Fizzy drink

    But really I don’t care where it goes. If you want to spit it into a towel or back on to my dick and then keep sucking I’m good with that too. Just be gentle, that prolactin spike after an orgasm makes it sensitive.

  19. When giving my husband head, I like to make sure there’s a lot of saliva toward the end. When he’s close to finishing he gives me a heads up and then I sort of switch to where his dick is under my tongue right when he comes. For some reason it makes it a lot easier for me to swallow. I used to hate doing it with other guys but once I was with him I have always enjoyed it. But if you absolutely hate it don’t do it.

  20. don’t know if this would help but was thinking if you started to do oil pulling, a practice of putting edible oil in the mouth for a period of time. I’ve heard some do it for 30 min. if one picks a thicker oil or progress to a thinker oil then maybe the texter of cum will not be as bad over time.

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