Thread of the day.
Add your rants, vents, excitement, lack thereof, etc about your Valentine’s Day this year.

I’ll go first.

First Valentine’s Day as a married couple. (I grew up on romantic chick flicks…so yeah, high, unrealistic expectations mode on) Highly disappointed with the lack of planning, lack of extra vday morning cuddles, just asked him what we’re doing tonight – his response: “maybe we can cook a meal together.” Lol ok. We did that last night and two nights before that, and before that… but sure. 🙂

  1. Why it on your partner to plan what you are doing for a day like today? We don’t celebrate on the day of but later in the week to avoid crowds. We sat down a week ago and discussed.. hey what do we want to do for Valentine’s Day and decided together what we wanted to do.

    Every year we discuss expectations. Some years money has been tighter so we say spend no more then X amount and don’t buy anything for each other. Sometimes it’s giving the other a heads up.. I got you something small for Valentine’s Day a month in advance. But we always discuss together what we want to do and it’s on both of us to have a hand in planning.

  2. I feel you, we didn’t really have a great start this morning. We kinda got into it which I’m not happy about. I already cried this morning but you know it’s life and I have to roll with the punches. Happy Valentines Day to you <3

  3. My husband planned his colonoscopy today. I am currently sitting out in the parking lot of the hospital with our 15 month old waiting for it to be over so I can drive him home. They say the whole process from start to finish might take four hours😭😭. As of now we have been waiting for two hours and he still hasn’t been taken back.

  4. For 13 yrs I’ve racked my brain, for weeks and some timrs even months to find a gift I thought she’d really love. Didn’t matter what I got, jewelry, bags, kitchen items, things she’s hinted at or down right said she’s wanted. I could probably count on 2 hands how many times I’ve seen her wear/use any of it. I’ve sat down and poured my heart out into cards year after year, occasion after occasion and I’m sure she doesn’t mean to make me fe like it, but it feels like it falls flat every time. I get a short aw and then it’s brushed off. I know she hates valintines day but damn, I try and do cute stuff and it just falls flat.

    This yr I’m just going to cook a nice dinner for her. I’ve still stressed myself out over a damn meal, but at least I won’t have to see somthing I bought her collect dust.

  5. We are 47M and 44F. The 2 of us are off for a 2 day sex vacation. Neither of us gives a crap about Valentine’s Day, the timing was coincidence.

  6. I now own a huge bottle of perfume I can’t stand that he loves. Yay. That’s what I get for saying, “ please don’t get me anything for Valentine’s Day”😐

  7. First vday married. So far I got roses, and he’s taking me to dinner somewhere tonight. I did nothing for him bc that’s what he said he wants (to just spend time with me). I’m blissfully happy.

    To me, the effort on vday doesn’t matter. It’s the effort every day that’s important. My husband is amazing every day, so I don’t gaf what he does on vday. If he was shitty on normal days, then vday wouldn’t be enough to make it up to me.

  8. Ok. Why would your expectations of him and who he is change just because you are married? Seems unfair to expect him to turn into someone else just because you got married. Also to say he “gets ownership” of the holiday. Like he has to do all the work but you don’t?

    We don’t really celebrate the holiday. We will have Indian food and watch a movie but we did that last week, and luckily we did because both of us are sick AF right now.

  9. We’ve been sick (trading colds) for going on 3 weeks. I leave early for work and spouse stays up late, no card in the morning (that’s been our MO). It hasn’t been the best day. Came home from work and had to make dinner. I still love and choose my spouse, but I’m pretty dang disappointed today.

  10. Spouse and I are doing nothing. They are staying at another house. Been texting, but have received minimal answers back. I’m sure they are just “busy.”

    Meanwhile, I will take care of 4 kids, take the garbage out, do something nice for the kids, make dinner, do laundry, do dishes, make school lunches.

    And when I asked if we could celebrate this past weekend when they were home, it got pushed aside. Maybe I’ll buy myself leftover flowers or chocolate tomorrow. Didn’t get a Christmas present except what I bought for myself, so it’s not new, except that this year they aren’t even in the house or helping with the kids.

    Not sure what I’m even doing anymore when they don’t even communicate via text and a year of marriage counseling has done nothing.

  11. My hubby came up gave me a kiss and a cuddle and said Happy Valentine’s Day. That was enough for me as I really appreciate the little things.

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